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Into Thy Word

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Today's devotional: the Word of God, among us
As Christmas approaches, Christians around the world affirm that they believe in Jesus Christ,...

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Matthew 8: 28-34 - Into Thy Word Ministries
Two Demon-Possessed Men Healed. Here is a picture of our Lord, who rescues us. He just went through a storm to cross a sea most would not dare to tread, to a place few would ever go, to see two people who needed His help.

Matthew 8: 23-27 - Into Thy Word Ministries
Storms Cannot Buffet those in Christ. This passage is about relying on God’s power. The Disciples believed and saw some incredible events, but somehow what they had observed and participated in firsthand did not create in them an ability to trust.

Matthew 8: 18-22
The Cost of Discipleship. This passage has some seemingly strange happenings and words coming from Jesus. Large crowds often followed Jesus, attracted by His teachings, and His miracles.

Matthew 8: 14-17 - Into Thy Word Ministries
Jesus the Healer. Peter writes later in his Epistle, cast all of your cares upon Him, In this passage, we begin to see the roots of Peter’s spiritual trust and formation. Jesus personally performed several miracles for Peter.

Matthew 8: 5- 13 - Into Thy Word Ministries
Jesus Heals a Soldier’s Servant. Following Jesus’ great message to the multitudes, He moves from the crowds to the ministering of the individual needs of people. Real ministry is not the glamor of a big pulpit, but rather the trenches, ministering to the hurting and needy.

Matthew 8: 1- 4
Jesus Heals a Leper. With this passage, we start a series of nine stories and ten of our Lord’s miracles (8:1-9:36). These miracles serve as the proof of Christ’s claims, that He is the promised Messiah who will save us from our sins.

Matthew 7: 24-29
Building your Life on the Rock of the Word! Here Jesus closes the Sermon on the Mount (Matt. 5-7), His final message for us is that it is useless to call ourselves Christians unless we practice what He has taught us, which we are to believe and also teach.

Matthew 7: 21-23
Does He know you? Most people think they are good, and will go to Heaven when they die, yet few people actually know God as He calls us to do. They have built up a hope based on false perceptions of themselves, that their good outweighs their bad.

Matthew 7:13-20 - Into Thy Word Ministries
The Way is Narrow! We live in an age where all ways and religions are accepted as equally valid and good. We are told that we are narrow minded and bigoted if we suggest anything else. However, political correctness aside, there is only One Way...

Matthew 7: 7-12 - Into Thy Word Ministries
Keep Asking! Jesus shows us the virtue of perseverance and its application in prayer. Our motivation to persist in our service to God is the desire to draw near to Him for what He has done for us. Consider the amount of time the Apostles, and even Jesus...