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Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Fugitive in the Mirror - #5180
You'll never get anywhere with God as long as you're trying to stand before Him trying to look all religious and righteous. We're filthy, according to Him. That's what our sin makes us. But because Jesus loved you enough to take all the guilt and all the hell of all your sins and pay for it on the cross, He can literally take away all the guilt, take away all the penalty of all your sin.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Debt-Free - #5196
This very day you can experience the incredible joy of knowing that you are forever free from the weight of your sin; the joy of a brand new beginning. What Jesus did on His cross removes your sin when you tell Jesus you're putting all your trust in Him to forgive you and to take you to heaven when you die. You will never have to face the judgment you deserve because Jesus faced the judgment you deserve.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - I Think I Can't - #5199
In a strange way, "I think I can't" turns out to be much more powerful than "I think I can." You start to understand that as you bring your life under the leadership of the Lord, Jesus Christ. And you begin to understand the powerful things that can happen when you are finally ready to say to God, "I think I can't, and only You can!"

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - No Do-Overs - #5200
All the wrong things we've done carry an eternal death penalty. The Bible calls it hell. They cannot be erased. Our damning personal record cannot be removed unless that penalty is paid, and someone has to die for your sins to be paid for. And someone did - the only One who could. The only One who didn't have any sin of His own to pay for - Jesus.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Rewinding Your Fall - #4023
Our grandson is definitely a child of the VCR Age – when he has a bad fall, he wants to rewind to before the fall. Well, so do some of us. We’ve had some falls – spiritually, morally – and we wish we could rewind and do it over. Obviously, we can’t. But, in a way, God does offer us an opportunity to rewind our falls to get back to where we were before we fell.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Healing Edge - #4032
There's this infection that every human being on this planet is fighting - it's actually a spiritual infection. This spiritual cancer is called "sin" in the Bible - and it can kill your future, your reputation, your marriage, your joy, your closeness to God. And, if it isn't cured, it can ultimately kill you forever by keeping you out of God's heaven.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Feeding On Bitterweed - #4036
When cows feed on something bitter, they start producing something that's bitter. So do we. That's why God warns us in Hebrews 12:15, our word for today from the Word of God: "See to it that no one misses the grace of God." Now, that's a horrible thought. God's grace is something we cannot afford to miss. How does that happen? It goes on to say "...and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many." Don't let any bitterweed - or bitter root - grow up in your heart. If you do, it will ruin the taste of many things in your life.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Peace of Releasing the Wheel - #5217
You get so much more done when someone else is driving. Great things happen when you finally let go of the wheel and let someone else take it. Especially if the someone else is the One who was supposed to be driving all along. The God who gave you your life is supposed to be driving your life.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Expensive Peace - #5235
Finally, peace with God. Finally, peace in your heart. If you will lay down all other things you've counted on to make it with God and put your total trust in Jesus, who died and rose again for you.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Backpack - #5241
That's why Jesus allowed Himself to be pierced, and crushed, and nailed to a cross, to pay the penalty for every sin you and I have ever done, so we don't have to. I have been with a lot of people the day they finally put their total trust in Jesus to forgive their sin and make them right with God. And often they have described the feeling this way: "I feel like a hundred pound weight has been lifted from my back." It has. The deadly backpack of sin is gone.