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Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Poison in Your Soul - #4716
The person who hurt you may not deserve to be forgiven, but then you didn't deserve God's forgiveness. To forgive them is not to pretend there was nothing wrong with what they did - it's releasing them completely to God for Him to deal with them. It's drawing a line and making a decision that from this day on you will, with God's strength, base your treatment of them, not on how they treated you, but on how Jesus treated you! You'll copy Him.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Front Lines Surrender and Front Lines Victory - #4717
It may be that you are, in a sense, heading into some pretty significant battles yourself. Your battle may be medical, or legal, or marital. It may have to do with your job or your family. But the future is uncertain, and, to a large extent, out of your control. It's a good time to make sure you are right with God before you head into the fight.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Expensive Love - #4245
He sacrificed himself to save others. He gave up his life so others could live. I owe my life to a man like that. His name is Jesus. Given the choice of letting you and me die for the sinning we have done, He passed the lifeline to us and died in our place. That's a love you do not want to miss because you never really took the lifeline.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Decorated from the Inside - #4750
All the ugly and dark stuff in our heart is summed up in one Bible word - sin - rebellion against God and His laws. I've tried to be the god of my own life, and it's not working. That's why Jesus came. Our only hope of sin's power being beaten was for God Himself to conquer it, which He did when Jesus paid the debt for our sins on the cross. Then when He conquered death on Easter Morning, He proved there's nothing He can't conquer.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Wound is the Battle - #4293
If you can win the battle by cleansing the wound right away, then they can win the war by heading off the infection. It's a strategy more of us should be using to prevent the kind of spiritual infection that poisons your joy, your peace, and your closeness to God. The wound is any point in your life where sin has been able to get in - it's that first detour from what you know is right. The infection is the widespread loss of spiritual health and power that damages so much we care about, and it can be prevented by a prompt cleansing. A cleansing that goes deep ... and there is such a cleansing.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Paved-Over Problems - #4763
I know of no way to get rid of hard feelings and hurts and conflicts without getting them out in the open where you can face them and deal with them. Sometimes that means taking the risk of confronting; "speaking the truth in love," as the Bible says.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Forever Stormy Sea - #4790
Ultimately, peace is a person, and that person's name is Jesus. He was called the Prince of Peace, but you don't have His peace until He's your prince. He's waiting right now to speak His "Peace, be still" to the turbulence in your soul.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - What's So Amazing About Amazing Grace - #4134
Many who love the song "Amazing Grace" have little idea what is so amazing about the grace that it celebrates; or even what "grace" really is. And yet we have a strange sense in our soul that what that song is about is something our soul really needs. And we're right.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Falling Down, But Not Staying Down - #4137
God's children have something to learn from their own children. When you fall down, you don't stay down. You get up and start walking again. Sadly, when many of us take a spiritual fall, we quit trying to walk. We just stay down. Maybe that's where you are right now.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Breathing the Air Your Child Needs - #4144
When it's crunch time on an airplane flight, you have to first get for yourself the oxygen you need as a parent, then you can give your son or daughter what they need. In these increasingly challenging days for parents and dangerous days for our kids, we have to breathe deeply what our children need so we can pass it on to them.