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Today's devotional: speaking with grace and gentleness... about politics?
Does the way you talk about politics reflect the grace, patience, and humility of Jesus Christ?...

Today's devotional: too proud to accept God's grace
Is pride a sin you struggle with? Most of us try our best to steer clear of the most commonly...

Today's Devotional: Our Patient God and the Golden Rule
At the heart of the Golden Rule is reciprocity: when we do good, others will do good back to us....

The Return of Ted Haggard
Ted Haggard has once again found himself in the limelight—this time not for his very public...

Today's devotional: extending grace on game day
The worlds of college and professional sports are not always marked by gracious and sporting...

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Devotional : One Answer
If we were to die today and meet Jesus at the gates of Heaven, what could we say to convince Him that we should be allowed into paradise? Could we tell Jesus that we prayed to be saved when we were young? Could we tell Jesus that we tried our best to live a good life? What kind of answer would suffice? This devotional looks at what scripture proclaims to be the one and only answer we should be prepared to offer.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries, Inc. - The Trouble With Being a Winner - #8211 | Radio Program | A Life That Matters
Chuck Colson knows about abusing power and paying for it. He spent time in prison for his corruption-related activities in the Nixon administration. He said the Governor of Illinois had the same cancer that has brought down so many successful people. Colson called it the "spiritual cancer" of pride.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries, Inc. - How to Get Justice When You've Been Hurt - #9177 | Radio Program | A Life That Matters
I’ve seen on the news…we’ve all seen way too many times, stunned and sobbing students, holding each other tightly, trying to cope with the unthinkable that just happened—another campus shooting. This one was the largest mass shooting in U. S. history—Virginia Tech, remember, 32 people killed. One was 19-year-old Mary Read, and on the day of her funeral, her father found her little red notebook, and he read her final entry at the funeral. She said, “When a deep injury is done us, we never recover until we forgive.”

2 Peter 1: 1-4 - Into Thy Word Ministries
His Divine Power is Given! Peter sends his greetings and blessings with solemn humbleness and intimacy to the people in the faith.

1 Peter 5: 10-14 - Into Thy Word Ministries
Depend on God’s Grace! Have you considered how kind God is with us (even when we are in the depths of stress and despair), how His hand is guiding, and how He will restore us for our benefit and His glory?

1 Peter 1: 3-12 - Into Thy Word Ministries
Christ our Redeemer! We are chosen and given our new birth! We live in hope! As Christians, we have God’s abundant mercy, hope, and...

1 Peter 1: 1-2 - Into Thy Word Ministries
Christ our Living Hope! God’s grace and abundant mercy is available to us both now and as an inheritance to come!

Introduction to Peter - Into Thy Word Ministries
Peter and Jude are writing to Christians who are oppressed, confused, and struggling, seeking to live for Christ in a world that not only does not understand but also persecutes those of the faith. In the midst of the oppressions from the world and family, come people who seek to...

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - A Hurt Too Big to Handle - #8128
Their daughter had been counting down to her wedding when it happened. The day before, she had journaled about how her life had been pretty easy so far, and she didn’t know how she could handle something terrible happening. Well, the next day it did and she said, “His grace really is sufficient.” ... You know, it really is. That’s why tragedy or the fear of one doesn’t have to take you on a massive detour from a life that matters.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Overboard On Cleaning Up - #5688
We need to be stressing relationship, not reform. The message of reconciliation God has trusted to us is all about Jesus! People sin because they're sinners, and they will be sinners until they know the Savior! So stick to Jesus and stick to His cross, and don't encumber that simple Gospel with an attempt to clean up their lifestyle.