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Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Baggage Wars - #8091
It is sad how many of us actually live that way. You know, watching the same old baggage of our life going around and around again. We keep replaying the hurts and the pain and we keep ourselves from the hope that inspires a life that matters. And we just keep feeding our resentment and our anger and our depression, our dark side, and that only hurts us.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Healing Power of Exercise - #5639
You can speed up your healing by doing what you do not feel like doing; getting involved with people when you feel like withdrawing from them, getting active when you feel like being inactive, charging into some ministry or helping role when you feel like retreating, looking for someone whose need you can meet instead of someone who can meet yours. The hurt you have been through will give you the sensitivity and the credentials to minister to other hurting people.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Hour Before the Sunrise - #4463
God uses the long dark night to accomplish some important spiritual changes. He wants us to have those times when no human answers, no human consolation, no human heroes, no human efforts can change things. He's bringing you to the end of what you can do, the end of anything you can even think of doing. Because that's the beginning of the things only God can do. But first, He has to get us out of the way.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Thunderhugs - #4443
We all need them, don't we? Especially at times when the storm is picking up and our security is shaking. I for one am deeply grateful we have in our God a Heavenly Father we can always run to and say, "It's time for a thunderhug!" And He has wonderfully promised that He is "our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in time of trouble. Therefore, we will not fear..." (Psalm 46:1-2). That's why David could say when he was a fugitive for his life, "I sought the Lord and He heard me and delivered me from all my fears." (Psalm 34:4).

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Breaking Through Thick Ice - #4445
It's not easy to melt the ice that has frozen over a sidewalk. It's even tougher to melt the ice that has frozen over someone's heart. That hard, frozen heart may be yours right now - or it may be the frigid condition of the heart of someone you know. Any hard or frozen heart is something that can cause a lot of injury - and can be holding inside a pile of hurt.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Looking Forward to the Report - #4533
I guess some people are going to be confident when they see Jesus. They're looking forward to it. Why? Well, you have been living all along for the things that matter forever, so you'll be stepping into everything that you invested when you see Jesus. You've been making your relationship with Jesus the number one priority of your life, of your energy, so seeing Him will be just the glorious continuation and fulfillment of what you've been doing here. Those who are really living for Jesus are the ones who are really looking for Jesus.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Singular Love - #4431
It really makes a difference when you focus the warmth of the sun on one spot. It really makes a difference when you focus the warmth of your love on one person. Especially if that person is the life partner you have or one of the children God has entrusted to you. The question for today isn't whether you love your family - I'm sure you do. The question is this: does each member of your family feel loved by you? Now, that may depend on how much focused love they get from you.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Family Infections - #4436
Every family has them - those germs that get passed around the family. And they're not all the kind you go to a doctor for. The most virulent, most damaging family infections of all come from moral germs, spiritual germs, some of which have infected generations and are in the process right now of being passed on to yet another generation.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Charlie Brown Christmas Miracle - #4422
It's amazing how a broken tree can become special with some tender, loving care. Or, more importantly, a broken person. With all the joy of the Christmas season, it can also be a time that reopens a lot of old wounds - a time that intensifies your loneliness and highlights the broken parts of your life.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Your Best Weapon is Your Teeth - #4427
Our word for today from the Word of God comes from {bible}Nehemiah 2:1{bible}. Now, Nehemiah works for the king (he's the king's cup bearer), and he's pretty down because of news he's gotten about conditions back home. The Bible says, "I took the wine and gave it to the king. I had not been sad in his presence before. So the king asked me, 'Why does your face look so sad when you are not ill? This can be nothing but sadness of heart.'"