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Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Crashing to an Upgrade - #4432
It is one of God's strange and wonderful ways. He allows something to be taken away so He can ultimately replace it with something so much better! The time you really need to focus on that is the time in between, when you're without what you've lost and not yet experiencing God's upgrade. Our missionary pilot friend didn't get his better plane the day after his first plane crashed. There were months of faith-stretching, heavy duty praying, and soul-searching. But in His always perfect time, God did what our friend believed He would do - replace the loss with something better.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - No Way There's No Way - #4650
Right now you might be facing a seemingly impossible situation and you're shaking your head like the Jews at the Red Sea and you're saying "No way." Then there's this unexpected whisper from God's heart to yours: "Way." He's just trying to assure you that He will make a way through mighty waters that seem overwhelming and unmovable - through the desert, a place where there seems to be no resources.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Risking Everything On A Promise - #4143
As Mike told me about that potentially costly act of integrity, he referred to a Biblical promise he was counting on that day. It's our word for today from the Word of God, 1 Samuel 2:30. "Those who honor Me I will honor." Well, they honored God that day, and God wonderfully honored them as a result. Now God's honoring doesn't always happen that immediately, or always in the way we would script it, but He always keeps that promise.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Girl Watching - God is Watching #4186
It's actually a message the Creator of women would more than agree with. A woman is depersonalized, sexualized, trivialized by the way many men look at them - and she's the creation of a holy God; a Father in heaven. And you know how fierce a father is about protecting His daughter!

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Collision Vision - #4852
Maybe you've run into some hard things lately and it hurts. It's confusing; maybe depressing. But consider what God may be trying to do in this collision. Maybe He's helping you be able to see! Maybe He wants to use the collision to expose the presence of an idol in your life, maybe to let that other god die on you. Or He may want to open your eyes to your neglect of your family, or your neglect of Him. Or to show you that your schemes are not the answer, or maybe He's trying to show you that the eternal things are really the only things that really matter.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Time is Slipping Away - #5031
Either we put our trust in Jesus and His death for our sins, or we pay that death penalty ourselves - forever. Jesus came to give us heaven. Once you come to His cross and put your total trust in what He did there for you, death is no longer the end, it's just the beginning! All death can do is take you to heaven if you belong to Jesus Christ.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Getting Hammered - #5124
The incredibly hot temperature of the gold refiner's fire isn't to melt the gold or destroy the gold. It's to burn away the junk, and that increases the value of the gold. Now if the trying time you're going through is actually one of God's hammers, you need to know that it isn't to break you. It's to make you more pure, more valuable, more useable than ever before. God's hammer is to build you into something better, not to tear you down.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Dispelling the Fog - #3850
n Job 2:10, he asks, "Shall we accept good from God, and not trouble?" And in chapter 13, verse 15, Job says, "Though He slay me, yet I will I hope in Him." Stubborn faith that still believes that the sun is shining even when you can't see it for the fog. The kind of faith that looks for things to praise God for at a time when it hurts so bad.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - That Beautiful Mess - #3856
n the pages of the Bible, there is probably no man whose life became more of a mess than Job. His name is synonymous with suffering. He loved God, but he lost his health, his fortune, his children--in his body and in his heart he experienced excruciating, relentless pain.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Tragedy's Eyes - #3873
What happened on a national scale . . . what happened to Laura Ingalls on a personal scale - those are pictures that remind us of the good that can come from some of life's most painful experiences. That could be very important for you to remember right now - because you're going through one of those painful experiences right now. The pain is deep - but it's not the whole story - because God uses tragedy to help build people into something greater.