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Waiting for Your Father - #5951
The problem is that God is sinless and holy totally perfect. And you and I, on the other hand, have a lifetime of sinning; of doing it our way instead of God's way. You can't get into His family unless something is done about your sin, and something has been done. In fact, God did it. That's how much He loves you and He does not want to lose you.

The Trouble With Life's Great Catches - #5950
We have tried to fill a God-sized hole with things and people that can't begin to take His place. If we live like this, we'll live without peace and without meaning. If we die like this, we'll spend eternity without God and His love. He didn't leave us separated from Him. He pursued us. He sent His Son, Jesus, to sacrifice His life for yours and mine; to take the rap for all our sin, that defiant self-rule of our lives.

The Only Applause That Matters - #5943
Who are you living to please: the boss, the pastor, your family, your friends, the church, some guy or girl, the community? They didn't die for you. Their rewards don't hold a candle to His. The early church leader, Stephen, knew that. He had stood up for the truth on the streets of Jerusalem and the crowd was not applauding.

The Incredible Shrinking Me - #5933
If you can surrender the control and the credit, you are ready for the incredible shrinking you. Our lives become more incredible than we could ever have imagined as our ego and our interests and our self-reliance begin to recede, and our lives become more about Jesus than ever before.

Fixing The Fixed, Ignoring The Broken - #2576
Harvest is urgent business. If the harvest workers don't get busy, and act quickly the harvest will die. And so will it be said there were people around us ready for Jesus - we weren't ready to go to them - they won't be ready for eternity. That'll be true unless we move beyond just fixing those who are already fixed - and start working on the ones who are broken!

The Greatest Miracle Known to Man - #5930
Jesus, this name you have to believe in, means "Jehovah saves." So when you "believe in His name," you're telling Jesus that you're taking Him as your personal Rescuer from the death penalty for your sins, because He's the only One who died for them. Which brings us to the eternal life-or-death question: has there been a time when you've done that?

Leading Them Out of the Cage - #3532
A person who has tasted something better has to go into that cage where they are and help them get out. Someone has to say, "Follow me to something better." It might mean some pain, some risk - but you could be the one God is calling to go into that cage and lead them out. Let God use you to display the awesome power of one changed life!

Choosing Life - #3524
If you're trusting in anything else to get you to heaven - your goodness, your religion, your reputation, your knowledge about Jesus - you will never go there. It's all about Jesus and whether or not you've abandoned all other hopes and made Him your only hope.

The Missing Person On Your Journey - #3724
The Bible indicates that many people - especially those who've been around Christian things a lot - are in danger of making this same deadly mistake. Like our daughter in that grocery store, they are going on without the Person they need to lead them - and they're ending up lost.

Easter Eggs - #3719
Our questions and our fears about what happens after our last heartbeat are answered at that empty tomb. Jesus has beaten what has beaten every other person who ever lived. Because He lives, you shall live also - forever.