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Leadership in Youth Ministry
Part of the job of a Youth leader is to train up the church leaders of tomorrow. It's exciting....

Leadership in youth ministry, part II
Yesterday we talked about several good youth ministry leadership resources. Here are three more...

Who will mentor the mentors?
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Charles Spurgeon's sense of humor
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How to choose worship songs for a church service
Have you ever wondered what kind of thought and planning goes into choosing the songs you sing...

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Seven Tools for Building Effective Groups : Jeffrey Arnold
THE RIGHT TOOL CAN MAKE A WORLD OF DIFFERENCE. Much of leadership resides in the heart—those character traits that help you serve and equip others.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Marching off the Map - #3884
We need some certainty - we need some leadership. We want to hear from our national leaders, from our military leaders, from our financial leader, but none of them can give us the sense of peace and security we're needing in this "new world" that is off the map. What we're looking for can ultimately only be found in the leader--the One who created us. The issues of our day and the questions of our heart are just too big to be answered by anyone other than God Himself.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Women Watching their Men - #3888
God seems to have designed the home in such a way that the man is the thermostat - his marriage and his home reflect whatever climate he sets. That climate could be peaceful or stressful, affectionate or cold, communicating or disconnected. He could be setting a climate that is kind or harsh, selfish or unselfish, positive or negative. The woman seems to be the thermometer of the family, reflecting the temperature set by her man. And I guess you might say that the children are the seismograph who register every disturbance.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Light For Your Next Step - #3925
If you're just reading the Bible to fulfill your Christian duty or to accumulate religious information, well, you're missing the real power of what you've got in your hand. Those words in your Bible are God's light to show you how to navigate each new day.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Price Of Leadership - #3927
For me, that soldier's commitment to putting his responsibilities above his feelings was a powerful example of the price of leadership. And most of us are a leader to somebody - our family, people at work, people at church, or people we influence. There's positional leadership which means people follow you because of the title you have. Then there's personal leadership, which means people follow you because of the kind of person you are - with or without the title.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - High Value Targets - #3933
It's interesting that the familiar verse about the devil "prowling around like a lion, looking for someone to devour" is in a passage that is primarily about Christian leaders. Those who are making a difference - or are about to make a difference - for Jesus Christ become special targets for enemy attack.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Turf Wars - #3963
This all sounds strangely familiar for someone who's listening - maneuvering for position, for dominance, establishing turf, fighting for turf. Except it's not a horse pasture we're talking about in this case. It may be your church, your office, your ministry - pushing for turf. It may be turf issues, ego issues, control issues that threaten to divide your church - or that are keeping churches and ministries from working together in Jesus' name.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Missing the Votes that Really Count - #3965
God seems to think that it's pretty important to have your family in your corner. He makes that priority clear even when He's spelling out the job qualifications for those aspiring to spiritual leadership.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Weather Channel's Executive Producer - #3977
Recently, I read these awe-inspiring verses from Job 37, beginning with verse 5. They reveal the ways that we can see and celebrate the power and the majesty of our God by just looking at the weather - and they're our word for today from the Word of God.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - When You Don't Have Enough to Finish - #3990
My problem with my laptop computer is that, in itself, it has limited power. Which means limited accomplishment. But when it's plugged into a regular power source, it has basically unlimited power. Which means unlimited possibilities. Now, if you've been living for Jesus Christ very long, that power equation probably sounds familiar to you. Or it should. Your resources run out. But that doesn't mean you're done -- not if you plug into His. His resources never run out.