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Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Four-Way Theft - #4638
Sex outside of marriage boundaries hurts you, and then it hurts your partner. You're robbing yourselves of the enjoyment of sex that is guilt free and regret free and judgment free inside marriage. This unique love gift is no longer unique because you've given it to someone else, which in turn robs two other people - both your future partners, or both of your present partners if you're married.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Princess Unaware - #4647
The One whose love we were made for is on the other side of a wall - the wall created by our sin; all the wrong things we've done because we've been running our own life. It took the greatest act of love and sacrifice imaginable to tear down that wall. God gave His only Son to die brutally on a cross to pay your sin-bill, forgive all your sin, and make possible a personal love relationship with Him. The only love in your life that is unloseable.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - A Makeover for the Woman You Love - #4662
The selfless love of a husband can, over time, help a woman feel safe enough to deal with her weaknesses, to pour out her soul. And, in so doing, to cleanse her soul. God's love through a loving husband can set her free from the fears and the scars of the past that have defined her for so long. His praise can restore her sense of worth. His listening can offload what weighs her down.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Life in Your Death Valley - #4225
Talk about Death Valley days! There is a story in the Bible that took one of God's prophets into what was literally Death Valley. But it's more than the story of just an ancient prophet. It mirrors a miracle that many of God's people have seen over the years, and it's one you may need to believe Him for right now.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Liar and the Fire - #4752
God knows the temptation you're facing, the thoughts you're thinking, the pressure you're feeling, maybe even the sin you've been sinning. And He's trying to pull you back from the edge. Don't fall for the liar of sex outside of God's boundaries. Oh, it may look good, it may feel good for a short time, but it isn't worth the fire. You have too much to lose.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Noise of Neglect - #4772
Look at the action words - consider her - take her needs and feelings into consideration. Treat her with respect. That means listening to her; regarding her as someone important. She's supposed to be, after all, the most important voice on earth to you. Are some other voices drowning hers out? And treat her like a fellow heir in God's family. We're talking royal treatment here. How much does this matter to God? He says if you don't treat her like this, don't expect Him to answer your prayers!

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Ear Before the Mouth - #4812
Listening is the key to understanding a person. If you don't hear them out, you cannot understand. You've got to hear more than their words. You've got to listen long enough to hear their heart. If you don't, you'll probably miss where they're really at when you talk and your response probably won't even really fit where they're coming from. Secondly, listening is a primary way to make the person you're with feel important. I wonder how people feel after they've been around you.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Eye Transplants for Lovers - #4828
God could give you eyes to see your wife as you have never seen her before. There's a lot of power in being a praying husband! Most of all, when you spend time with God praying for the woman you love; you begin to see her with new eyes. You begin to see what God sees when He sees your wife. And that's the starting point for being the kind of sensitive, caring man that God made you to be. And that's the haven for which the heart of a woman truly longs.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - A Man's Lasting Legacy - #4100
I guess standing at my father's grave after all these years was sort of a values clarification reminder for me - and maybe for you. My dad held many titles in his life - he was chairman of our church board, he was chairman of the board of a youth ministry, foreman, plant manager. But other people held those titles before him and after him. He's the only husband my Mom ever had. He's the only father I ever had. His tombstone honors him accurately - it's what he did as a husband and a father that is the most lasting legacy of his life. That's something for any man to consider.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Uncontrolled Fire - #4103
A man let a fire start to help meet a personal need he had. It raged out of control and did more damage than he could have imagined in his worst nightmares. Well, that is a mistake many a man has made - and even some women - with a deadly fire that the Bible calls lust.