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Winning at Home
Is Christ the center of your family life? Winning at Home offers radio programs, online articles, conferences, and books to families of all shapes and sizes.

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Blooming Too Soon - #3612
Whether it's a relationship, or finances, or a ministry goal, or getting justice, or meeting a need - wherever you're tempted to try to make it happen - don't. Just remember those blossoms whose instincts told them it was time when it wasn't. If it's blooming too soon, it probably won't make it. But in God's time - which is probably later than yours - in His time, it will be beautiful.

"Marry" in the BIble: 1 Corinthians 7:1-40
An extensive discussion of marriage by the apostle Paul.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries, Inc. - Sex Without Regret - #8279 | Radio Program | A Life That Matters
Not every kind of business is suffering in our big recession. Home gardening is suddenly booming. They call them recession gardens–saving money by growing your own food. Listen, if I’m going to do a garden, I know who I’m going to look to as my consultant. My friend, Mel, has the ultimate garden, and I’ll tell you, long before it was a recession survival strategy. And guess what he’s got around his amazing garden? A fence. You know why? “Yeah, to keep everybody from enjoying it.” No, no. It’s so we can keep enjoying it. The fence is there to make sure that beautiful garden stays beautiful.

Safe in the Middle of the Flood - #2713
You know floods are coming. Just don't wait for the floods to build the wall around your family. If you make each day a flood-proofing day, your family may be in the flood - but the flood won't be in your family.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries, Inc. - How Families Get in Trouble - #8251 | Radio Program | A Life That Matters
I’m Ron Hutchcraft and that is actually not the first time a big mess has resulted from the lack of communication. In fact, that’s how many families get in trouble, because the captain and the pilot aren’t communicating.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries, Inc. - Two Words That Decide Everything - #8246 | Radio Program | A Life That Matters
It’s amazing how two words can change everything. I said, “I do”…my life was never the same. How about the two words, “You’re fired.” Or those nice words, “You’re hired.” There’s so much power in two little words; especially when it comes to our eternal future.

Loving by Anticipating - #5883
Anticipate when your spouse will need help, or comfort, or intimacy, or reassurance, maybe extended debriefing time, or tenderness, they need prayer together, or just some encouragement like praising small progress in an area where they've really been struggling. Usually, the love that really makes the other person feel loved means sacrifice on our part.

Blindness that Makes You Crash - #5877
God has sent you this way today to send you a wakeup call. Please, consider where your passions and your desires are taking you. Count the cost. Think about all you have to lose if you keep driving down this road. Think about the price that you will pay in your soul - maybe the price you're already paying. Think about the hurt this can cause.

Silent Guys - #5875
Man was never meant to be an island, keeping everything to himself. We were never meant to be some Lone Ranger, wearing a mask to cover up our identity. God made us to need a shared life. But sadly, a lot of us men have somewhere bought the lie that manhood means keeping your deepest feelings to yourself.

Uncontrolled Fire - #5862
You may be playing with fire on the Internet, in magazines you look at or movies you watch, or just in the way you look at the opposite sex, or the way you push all the boundaries in what you're doing physically with someone. If you'll be honest with yourself, you will see increasing evidence that you're not controlling your passions. They're beginning to control you. The fire is spreading.