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So often women lament the fact that they desire a spiritual leader; theylong for their husband to lead–but he won’t!

True Woman: Cultivating a Loving Environment for Your Husband
This may be the most important way you can ever serve your man . . .

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While this alpha woman trend is celebrated by those who have swallowed the feminist/egalitarian claim that male-female roles are interchangeable, the reality is that the majority of alpha women are dissatisfied with their breadwinner status. It appears that an alpha woman married to a beta boy puts an unnatural strain on a couple’s marital and sexual relationship.

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When Lorna’s husband began drinking heavily, she decided that the answer to her problems was divorcing him. But through an “only God!” encounter, Lorna realized that divorce wasn’t the answer; God was.

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I was feeling a little under the weather the other day, so my sweet husband decided to take my boys out for breakfast to give me a break. When the hostess asked how many to seat and my husband replied “just the three of us,” she bent in close and whispered, “Did momma leave?”

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Revive Our Hearts: Declarations of the True Woman Manifesto, Part 2
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True Woman Blog: What does God think of divorce and remarriage?
For reasons I won’t go into, I spent several hours this past weekend combing through my Bible, looking up each reference on divorce and remarriage. I asked God to help me come to the text without an agenda or desired outcome—I just wanted to hear His heart on the whole subject. What I found took my breath away.

True Woman blog: What's the big deal with traditional marriage?
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