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God and politics: starting the conversation
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Al Menconi: helping your family make wise entertainment choices
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Answering life's four basic questions
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Today's devotional: winning the spiritual war in our minds
One of the paradoxes of Christianity is that, while our faith is centered around sharing...

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Book review: The New Community Rules - Marketing on the Social Web, by Tamar Weiberg
It’s a little over 300 pages, but reads easily and is a great reference tool for navigating social media sites such as Facebook and Flickr, understanding blogs and why YouTube is so popular. If you are in ministry and are not using social media, or just getting your feet wet, this book will really flesh out the why’s behind everything and how to leverage social media towards your organization’s goals.

Book review: The Church of Facebook, by Jesse Rice
Our new ‘digital communication culture’ is changing everything. And the social media, especially Facebook, have become a major driver of this change, creating new approaches to community and relationship. With great clarity, Rice explores the human need to belong, social networking and how it impacts our culture and the church. He covers a wide range of issues that any of us who use, or wish to, Facebook for evangelism, ministry or networking with friends and church members. Despite the title, this book does not address the vexed question of whether or how there should be ‘online churches’.

Book review: Understanding Evangelical Media - The Changing Face of Christian Communication, ed. Quentin Schultze, Robert Woods
This is a valuable introduction to a whole range of communication media: radio, tv, movies, print and web, music, theater, gaming, advertising and ethics. Contributors are all experts in their fields, mainly college lecturers (though not one from outside USA, even Canada!). You may know Dr Q’s writing about the Web, including his 1996 Internet for Christians which gave many their introduction to what was then a strange new medium.

Book review: Lausanne Occasional Papers - Media and Technology. Free downloads
The 2004 Lausanne Conference in Thailand brought together many of the top mission and communication visionaries from around the world. The papers from the different working groups are now published here.

Book review: Netcasters Using the Internet to Make Fishers of Men, by Craig von Buseck
Von Buseck presents a unique overview into the vast and growing potential of the digital media to share the good news of Jesus. There has been no title like this since Andrew Careaga’s books in the early days of the Web. Its well-researched and visionary coverage, interviews and case studies are indispensable to anyone needing to understand the nature of the new media and how to use them effectively.

Book review: The New Media Frontier, by J Reynolds and R Overton
This valuable handbook features sections from 14 contributors, each expert in their fields, and actually covers more ground than the title implies. Its main purpose is to help us understand the digital media and how they are changing communication for ever. Blogging, podcasting, apologetics, evangelism, and the Christian academic world are all examined critically. There’s a helpful section on the development of distance learning. Journalism and ethics are explored too.

The internet: Everything you ever need to know
Here is a long but very useful analysis by John Naughton, Professor of the Public Understanding of Technology at the Open University. He is currently working on a book about the internet phenomenon.

Amazing Grace Movie Trailer
Amazing Grace: The Story of William Wilberforce is the story of an extraordinarily ordinary man, some 200 years ago, who through faith, struggle and perseverance overcame a 17-year battle to abolish the slave trade throughout the British Empire.

Lausanne World Pulse - Mission Possible in Bulgaria
One ministry in Bulgaria seeks to equip local churches for outreach through media, sports and nationwide initiatives.

Lausanne World Pulse - Overcoming Communication Boundaries in Sharing the Gospel
Using media to overcome communication barriers and boundaries when sharing the gospel involves content creators and content transformers.