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Being Thankful for Sports
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What's the point of student ministry?
Is student ministry worth the immense amount of time, energy, and money that churches and...

Are you ready to lead?
What does good leadership look like? For most Christians, "Christian leadership" is something...

How do you steer clear of burnout?
Burnout—if you've not experienced it, chances are you've skirted its edges once or twice....

Today's devotional: "should" versus "want"
There are a lot of things that we feel we should do: church projects, ministry work, evangelism...

What is this page?
The ministries in the Community organize information into 'topics' to help you find what you're looking for. Learn more

Message to the Masses: new video faith resource for teens
A UK team has just launched a new online resource with video shorts, aimed at mid-to-late teens. It answers questions about faith in an outsider-friendly and accessible way, so it is ideal for youthgroup members to use and share.

Book review: Ministry in the Digital Age, by D Bourgeois, IVPress
Happily there are at last a growing number of books about various aspects of digital ministry. Dave Bourgeois' new book is primarily written to help Christian ministries understand how to integrate the Internet into their existing work.

Web Evangelism Bulletin - news on all aspects of digital evangelism
This twice-monthly email newsletter brings news, ideas and strategies for all types of digital outreach. It is a part of the ministry of Internet Evangelism Day.

Free ebook from Bryan Allain: This is NOT a treasure map
Sign up for the email newsletter at Killer Tribes and you'll get a free copy of Bryan Allain's new booklet This is NOT a treasure map as a thank you. This is a helpful message to anyone who has been disappointed in a creative project or ministry. In 25 pages, he shows you a new (and biblical) way of perceiving your life, failures and successes.

News of Internet Evangelism Day at end of April
Internet Evangelism Day this year is set for Sunday 21 April, and is usually the last or next to last Sunday in the month. Since 2005, it has been both an annual focus day and a year-round online resource guide. Its purpose is to encourage individual Christians, churches, and ministries to use the incredible potential of digital media to share the good news of Jesus, in an intentional but appropriate way.

Social media is not optional for non-profits, ministries, companies
The HooteSuite video below, though it is primarily discussing businesses, clearly explains the importance of social media connectedness at every level in any organization – charity, non-profit, ministry – and emphasizes that in the end, it is just people and relationships. Particularly highlighted in this video: social media needs to permeate through the entire organization, and is not something that is just 'done' by the marketing department. Richard Branson is cited as an example of a CEO who is constantly tweeting.

When You're Stuck Where You Don't Want to Be - #6802
If you're stuck where you don't want to be? Well, God's approach is to act as if you'll be there for a long time. Quit wishing you were somewhere else or someone else. Make something of the place where you are. There are people there who need Christ. Don't look past them because you don't like where you are.

Digital media changes in 10 years. How do we adapt? Helpful infographic.
Even a year is a long time in digital and social media. Where will we be digitally in 2014? 2015? How can we keep up to speed? Adapt and change? Use the tools that are being given to us? What are the biggest digital challenges and questions you face? For your non-profit, ministry or church?

Free ebook - using Facebook for church ministry
Free ebook: Facebook for Churches is a 32-page quick read loaded with tips, examples and strategies for getting the most out of your church Facebook page. Whether you're attempting to pick the perfect Timeline photo or trying to figure out what and when to post, this resource will help you.

Free Kindle book on social networking
Word of mouth has always been the best grassroots way to communicate. And social networking is just digital word of mouth. Here's a valuable new book, free on Kindle today: Community Wins: 21 Thoughts on Building a Thriving Online Tribe