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Letting Go of Your Little Ones - #6015
A surrendered parent is a parent at peace; a parent who knows that this treasure God has entrusted to them has this day been placed again in God's all-powerful hands. A God who knows the plans He has for that boy, for that girl - plans for good and not for evil, to give them a future and a hope. No matter how big your little ones get, remember Whose they really are.

Missing the Votes that Really Count - #6011
If you want to see what a person is really like, see what their family thinks of them. They know you without the image, without the mask, without the nice speeches. There is no greater honor than to have your family consider you a hero.

A Child In Your Inbox - #6003
It might be a good day to check your inbox. There might be a boy in your inbox or a girl in your inbox, desperately needing your priority attention. And you know, no matter what else you have to do, you just don't have anything more important to do than give them the attention that they need.

Your "No Vacancy" Sign - #5959
Don't make your child, your husband or your wife feel shut out of your life by your invisible but very real "no vacancy" sign. Just always have room for them even if it means sacrifice. People who know they're loved and important and listened to don't have to start looking somewhere else for what you didn't give them - somewhere that could scar their life and break your heart.

Waiting for Your Father - #5951
The problem is that God is sinless and holy totally perfect. And you and I, on the other hand, have a lifetime of sinning; of doing it our way instead of God's way. You can't get into His family unless something is done about your sin, and something has been done. In fact, God did it. That's how much He loves you and He does not want to lose you.

Climate Control - #5940
You're a leader. You're setting a climate, whether you realize it or not. And the interesting thing is that you end up reaping the climate you sow. So make the place where you are feel like it would if Jesus were there. He is.

The Winter of Their Leaving, The Spring of Their Return - #2398
Maybe it seems hopeless right now, but don't underestimate the power of Savior to bring stray children home. Believe Jesus for the day when He will in a sense give you back that child that you prayed for so long. In the meantime, let the father and the prodigal son be your example.

Your Lingering Aroma - #3342
It could even be that your positive actions are actually cancelled out by the stinky atmosphere you bring - the stress, the insensitivity, and the criticism you create while you're doing all those good things. You can be doing great stuff and have a lousy attitude and drag people down. What people are supposed to experience by being around you is "the fragrance of the knowledge of Jesus."

The Problem With Pushing - #2821
We can learn a lot from Jesus in how to get people to do things. As parents, for example, we want so much for our kids to make right choices - so much that we tend to just push harder and harder when they don't seem to be doing it - or when we're afraid they won't.

My Child, My Mirror - #2653
There is something about having a child that makes you start thinking about yourself in ways you may not have thought before. They are mirrors to us. As a dad or a mom trying to shape this life we have been entrusted with, knowing the dangers, the challenges, the consequences, we begin to see things we may have never fully seen before - like our own incompleteness or inadequacy, our baggage, our weaknesses that can now do serious damage to this vulnerable life in our hands...