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A Healthy Regret
There is an old story about the time Emperor Frederick the Great visited Potsdam Prison. He spoke with the prisoners, and each man claimed to be innocent, a victim of the system. One man, however, sat silently in the corner. The ruler asked him, “And you, sir, who do you blame for your sentence?” His […]

Man of Steel - Where's Superman? - #6973
I have to agree with that guy in the Bible who said, "I really want to do what is right, but I don't do it. Instead, I do the very thing I hate. Who will free me?" You can't be rescued until you admit you can't save yourself; until you're willing to pin all your hopes on somebody who can rescue you.

The No Regrets Alarm - #6964
sin alarm that God uses when you're reaching for something that could hurt you is Spirit tremors. It's an uneasiness in your spirit that says, "This just isn't right." That's probably the stirring of the Holy Spirit. Listen to that inner warning. But respond immediately and put on the Scripture brakes, respond to the shame warnings, to the Spirit tremors before sin drowns them out and you grab a plateful of regrets.

Storm Chaser - Chased By the Storm - #6962
The Bible says, "Man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgment" (Hebrews 9:27). For everything we've ever done that was wrong in God's eyes. Which leaves me no hope of heaven, except one. If I know somehow I won't face God's judgment. And, thank God, I know my sin has been erased by a sinless God because His Son, Jesus, took my judgment when He died on that cross.

Where Were You On September 11? - #6958
To be ready for eternity, to know you're going to heaven when you die, means to know that you have had every sin of your life - the sin that would keep any of us out of heaven - it has been erased from God's Book forever. Only one person can do that; the man who paid the penalty for it, Jesus, when He died on the cross.

Going Back to Where You Went Wrong - #6860
Biblical repentance always goes hand in hand with restitution; making things right at the point where you went wrong. To restore the money you stole, to rebuild the reputation you tore down, to ask forgiveness of the person you hurt, to go back to that person you sinned with sexually and ask their forgiveness. If you want to avoid falling again, retrace your steps.

No Specifics, No Solutions - #6857
God calls us to specific repentance. We may have to go back and clean up a sin that we buried instead of dealing with it, maybe a long time ago. Until you've really brought it to the cross, you should not forget it. Once you have brought it to the cross, you shouldn't remember it, because God has forgotten it forever at that point.

Lance, Lies, and A Look In The Mirror - #6820
We may think lying is no big deal. It is to God, and we're going to answer to Him some day. On the Bible list of "six things the Lord hates," lying is the only one that appears twice in Proverbs 6:16-19. And in our word today from the Word of God in Psalm 101:7, He bluntly declares that "no one who practices deceit will dwell in My house." God is a God of truth. Lying sets God against me. Dishonesty is a very big deal.

He's Never Lost a Rescue - #6792
For you - for those you love - isn't it great to know that Christ rescues you from the death sentence of sin, and that He has never lost a rescue?

What the Storm Left Behind - #6788
Jesus is the One who can finally calm that lifelong storm in your restless soul with His storm-proof peace. Because you're safe, no matter what the wind and waves may do. Yes, the storm is bigger than you are, but your Jesus is bigger than your storm!