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Cleanup or Cover-Up - #6455
Coming clean with your sin is doing the hard thing. But covering it is so much harder. Oh, and so much more expensive.

A Hole in the Dam, Trouble Downstream - #6451
My time with Jesus in His Word? It can't be optional. No, it's got to be non-negotiable, because a hole in the dam can do so much damage downstream.

Peace That Stands the Test - #6450
When you make your peace with God, you will have God's peace. The worst can happen, but the best remains. What a rock solid calm you can have at the center of your soul if you'll make the Prince of Peace, your Prince.

You Can Chase Me, But You Can't Have Me - #6443
You'll hear the noise of the chariots, you'll feel the pressure. But turn and face your enemy and tell him, "Because of Jesus, you can chase me, but you can't have me."

Two Goats and Good Friday - #6426
you're being nudged in the direction of the God who made you today, so you can experience the love that your life depends on.

Turn Around, Don't Drown - #6365
Are you driving very close to the edge of the flood...flirting with those famous last words, "I can handle it"? No, you can't. Listen to these words from Genesis. Take it, if necessary, as a personal warning, "Sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it" (Genesis 4:7). Turn around. Don't drown. Please.

Poison in Pretty Packages - #6326
That sin that looks so good on the package; it will take over your personality, your body, your relationships, your dignity, and your worth. It's poison! No matter how inexpensive sin seems to be, it will actually end up costing you everything.

Fat By Any Other Name - #6302
We don't like to deal with sin; we like to disguise it. Maybe today would be a good day to pray something like this, "Lord, am I calling sin by a nice name? I don't want to mask my disobedience any longer." Deal with it before God deals with you. What does God call it? See, sin by any other name is still sin. And as the Bible says, "If we would judge ourselves, then we will not be judged."

True Woman: When Your Husband Sins
Scripture instructs us to humbly and lovingly confront the sin of a fellow believer–even if that believer is our husband–as a brother in Christ.

True Woman: Passionate Pursuit of My Offender
Like the character Demi Moore played in “The Scarlet Letter,” it felt like there was a huge sign on my forehead that identified my sin. It seemed like all of heaven was in suspense . . . waiting to see if this would be the conviction that finally stuck, that actually bore fruit.