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MinistryAmbassadors: the new face of online ministry fundraising?
There's no telling how severely, or for how long, the current economic downtown will affect...

Has Social Networking Had a Positive Impact on Your Faith?
The day one of my parents' peers requested to be my friend on facebook I knew that social...

Are Facebook and Mobile Phones Killing the Church?
At the Experimental Theology blog, Dr. Beck posits that the reason millennials aren't going to...

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The ministries in the Community organize information into 'topics' to help you find what you're looking for. Learn more

Sharing a life-saving message to Facebook friend in crisis
Moving story of Tim Reilly sharing the good news through social media, at a critical point in a friend’s life. Two comments: - A prerequisite for this story: that Tim had a number of not-yet-followers as Facebook friends. - He was open to the guidance of God's Spirit on who to speak to, and to use real-time Facebook messaging rather than merely posting a comment or question. What lessons do you draw from this story?

The 'person of peace' concept and online evangelism
The 'man of peace' concept from Luke 10 is something that many people use, consciously or unconsciously. That is, in an evangelistic situation, an individual who is open and welcoming may be a gateway to others in the community. How does this work in online evangelism?

Using Pinterest for your nonprofit, church or ministry
If you haven't tried Pinterest yet, see our introduction and the remarkable story in this infographic...

In the last minute, all this happened on the Web: infographic
Amazing figures you can quote to point up the use of digital media, from these two infographics…

Infographics & book to help non-profits use Facebook and Twitter
Three infographics for the price of one: - Understanding your audience, strategies to use Facebook and Twitter, what to post. - More details on best times for posting. - Good content engages people on social media

The must-see digital ministry resource guide for churches
An exciting new resource provides valuable help for churches wanting to use the Web and social media: Internet Toolbox for Churches. "The Internet and social media present today's church with unprecedented opportunities to effectively connect with and reach people," says Dave Hakes. He founded ITC after several years as president of the congregation at his active, Christ-centered and outreach-driven Boston church.

Platform book is vital read for non-profits & Christian ministries
Michael Hyatt's new book 'Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World' is receiving a lot of praise. Hyatt is the chairman of Christian Publishers Thomas Nelson. Christian leadership guru DJ Chuang says in his blog review that it is "hands down the best book I've ever seen about blogging and social media!" Whether you are a non-profit or ministry looking to extend your voice, or an outreach team wishing to use social media to directly touch outsiders, this book is for you.

Research study released into Christian use of social networking
A questionnaire-based research study into social media evangelism by Christian Vision has just been published. CV's Andrew Flynn comments, "It basically confirms that Christians are aware of the opportunity to evangelize online but need help in how to – but that they are already a lot more engaged relationally than perhaps we sometimes give credit for."

Cardboard testimonies - great way to share good news of Jesus
Cardboard testimonies are a highly visual, often moving, way of briefly sharing the story of God's hand in people's life stories. They are relatively easy to plan and film.

Does social media have a place in the church?
When you hear the word 'church', what is the first thing that comes to your mind? If you are like me, then you may think of your church building or some mega-church that stands out in your mind.