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Digital behavior infographics: context for Christian online ministry & evangelism
These useful infographics reveal the context in which we minister online. Although these are based on US statistics, doubtless other western countries are broadly similar.

How to use video clips for social networking and mobile phone evangelism
Since its launch in 2005 (history), YouTube has grown to be the definitive place to find and share video shorts. By 2012, 60 minutes of new video content were being posted to YouTube every minute, with over 2 billion videos viewed worldwide each day. It's the default place to post short clips, with Vimeo as a distant second for longer videos. YouTube is now the world's second-largest search interface, after Google. Video shorts are a strategic opportunity for social networking and mobile phone evangelism.

Len Sweet's book VIRAL How Social Networking Is Poised to Ignite Revival
This book is probably the best and most insightful explanation of digital and print communication cultures, the tension between them, and the huge implications for Christians, the church and especially the retelling of the good news. We just cannot continue doing the stuff we used to do, because it won't work any more.

How to share the Christian good news on Facebook and social media
One of the most significant digital evangelism initiatives of 2011 was the release of The team recently released this Our Chance video to highlight social media opportunities that YesHEIs gives. You can easily download this video to show in church meetings or seminars.

Guide: use Pinterest to share the Christian good news in evangelism
Pinterest is a name getting increasing recognition across the Web. No, it is not a fan page for the late British playwright Harold Pinter. Pinterest is the latest expression of social networking and sharing, and can be effectively used in evangelism.

How people use the Web: the Forrester Ladder concept
There are multiple ways that different people use social media and the Web in general. Be aware that people are very different in their personality types, needs, demographic and online behavior.

Understanding and using Facebook and social media effectively
Social media can be a confusing and fragmented communication niche. Facebook, for instance, is an almost ramshackle accumulation of features and counter-intuitive usability options. For example 'Like' means three things depending on context. 'Like' a fan page means 'become a fan'. 'Like' a webpage or blog post means posting a summary on your own Facebook Wall. 'Like' a Facebook post means little, and doesn’t share that post with your friends.

Teens growing up online are in a different world than the rest of us
I'm not yet 30 years old, but my experience of the world growing up as a teenager is vastly different to that of teenagers today. It's been a shock to consider how different our worlds are. Below are a couple of documentaries by PBS that explore how the internet is changing every aspect of our lives, and the challenges for children who are growing up in this very different world.

Contrast in infographics - the Social Universe versus Bunyan
Two very different infographics here, with three and a half centuries between them! First, the GeoSocial Universe according to TechCrunch. Then, showing that infographics are nothing new, John Bunyan's Ordo Salutis.

How to share the Christian good news on Facebook with video clips
Christian media producer CVC is exploiting the exponential growth of social media and online video. Their new website offers Christians a categorised range of third-party evangelistic video clips. Here at last is a one-stop source of approved conversation-starting video clips we can easily share on Facebook (or other social media), embed in a blog, or download to a smartphone to share one-to-one.