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Why does God allow suffering?
Yesterday we looked at the old and important question of the existence of God. But there's one...

Is Suffering Essential to Faith?
Often in times of trouble we run to God for answers and comfort, and we often emerge from the...

Today's devotional: never alone
In today's Slice of Infinity devotional, Rachel Tulloch writes about the crushing power of...

Today's devotional: what Jesus' suffering means for us today
As Easter approaches, many churches and individuals are revisiting the Gospel accounts of the...

Today's devotional: finding beauty amidst brokenness
Can beauty come out of brokenness? When you or a loved one is reeling from an illness, injury, or...

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When There's Nothing Left to Hold - #5970
It's a fact of life. We will ultimately lose whatever, or whoever, we've been hanging onto except for the love of Jesus Christ, poured out on that cross. It's not just a cross. It's the only anchor that will be there when there's nothing left to hold onto.

The Trash Removal That Saves Your Life - #5957
You can't get rid of your sin by earning it, by doing good things. You can't inherit God's forgiveness from a Christian family or pick it up by osmosis from just being around Christian things your whole life. Your only hope of getting clean, of getting to heaven, is the cleansing power of the shed blood of Jesus Christ. Not Christianity. Jesus.

Is Suffering Essential to Faith?
Often in times of trouble we run to God for answers and comfort, and we often emerge from the experience more faithful then we were before; however, I don’t think I’m alone in wondering if pain and suffering are absolutely necessary to our faith in Christ.

The Good News About Your Bad News - #5945
The majestic eagle, unlike most other birds, refuses to run and hide when a storm is approaching. He actually perches on the edge of his nest, waiting for the storm. Because he lets those powerful currents carry him higher than his wings can take him - until he's actually seeing the sun and looking down on his storm. Like the eagle, God wants you to use this storm to fly where you've never flown before.

Prisoner of hope - a Christian perspective
God cares for those who suffer and promises that not only will they be rescued from their suffering, but they'll receive many more times what they lost.

Momentary troubles - a Christian perspective
Christians can expect, just like anybody else, to suffer through trials and misfortune in the course of life. But Christians know that this suffering is temporary, and pales in comparison to the glorious kingdom of God.

Anguish - a Christian perspective
Christians will experience pain and suffering in this life--there's no avoiding it. But they know that the joys that follow the pain will make any suffering we endure pale in comparison, just as a mother's pain during childbirth quickly pales before the joy of holding the newborn baby.

Trials in the Bible: James 1:2-3
Why would anyone ever think to be grateful for trials and suffering? Because God can use the hard times in our lives as tests which cultivate spiritual characteristics like perseverance. When you're going through a personal trial, don't just pray for God to remove the suffering--pray also that he'll use it to make you into a more Christlike person.

Sapphires in the Bible - a Christian perspective
God comforts His people with the promise that while they are suffering now, He will eventually restore them beyond anything they could ever expect or imagine.

Trial - a Christian perspective
In this passage, Christians are told not to be surprised by the suffering they sometimes experience. Following Christ is not a guarantee of freedom from persecution--on the contrary. But Christians can take heart that when we experience trials, we are suffering alongside Christ himself.