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Why does God allow suffering?
Yesterday we looked at the old and important question of the existence of God. But there's one...

Is Suffering Essential to Faith?
Often in times of trouble we run to God for answers and comfort, and we often emerge from the...

Today's devotional: never alone
In today's Slice of Infinity devotional, Rachel Tulloch writes about the crushing power of...

Today's devotional: what Jesus' suffering means for us today
As Easter approaches, many churches and individuals are revisiting the Gospel accounts of the...

Today's devotional: finding beauty amidst brokenness
Can beauty come out of brokenness? When you or a loved one is reeling from an illness, injury, or...

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Truthful - a Christian perspective
Christians are marked by the way that they behave in all circumstances, even difficult ones: they remain faithful, truthful, and patient despite whatever suffering life throws at them.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries, Inc. - The End of Your Journey - #8255 | Radio Program | A Life That Matters
Not long ago, we had occasion to pass through Albuquerque, New Mexico. And I was reminded of a dear Native American friend, who is up in years and battling some physical problems. He told me that he views this part of his life as he does driving to Albuquerque. See, there’s this long climb to get to the top of this steep hill, and then suddenly, there it is: the beautiful lights of the city that you’ve wanted to get to.

The Trouble with the Top of the Mountain - #5895
We're restless and we're searching because we're away from the One we were made for, and that is why Jesus came to die on a cross to absorb the eternal death penalty for every sin we've ever done. So to find forgiveness, to find peace, to find the only love that can truly satisfy your heart, you have to climb one more hill. It's that hill where Jesus died for you.

Perseverance in the Bible: Romans 5:1-4
The apostle Paul writes that we aren't just to endure suffering and persecution--we're to patiently persevere in the knowledge that God uses trials to shape us into better and more Christlike people.

Accidentally on Purpose - #5865
Knocked from his horse, blinded, totally dependent - that's what it took to get Saul to turn to Jesus. It takes much the same for many of us to finally get us to come to Jesus in total dependency; getting knocked off our high horse, facing a situation we can't handle, we can't fix, we can't solve. If you've hit something that hurts, or something has hit you, it may very well be the way God is using to get your attention.

Deep Holes, Beautiful Discoveries - #5835
When things collapse you can see the faithfulness and love and power of your Lord in ways that we can only see when we're desperate and beyond what we can fix, what we can handle. This season when things are caving in can be a season of life-changing discovery, as well. You can't make the hole in your life go away, but you can go through it to discover beauty that you could never see any other way.

The Shadow that Scares Us - #5798
If you don't belong to Jesus, death is a monster that should be feared. If you do belong to Him, then death becomes just a shadow because death is now your doorway to all that heaven offers you.

The Monster In Your Closet - #5720
Your sins have been paid for. You don't ever have to pay for them if you give yourself to Jesus. And death will be just your graduation to eternal life in heaven. But if you have never totally trusted Jesus as your Savior from your sin, you have no hope of heaven.

The Painful Road to Beauty - #5719
Any person you know who reflects the radiance and the beauty of a life filled with God, I can guarantee you they have gotten that way, not primarily through their good times but through their great pain and struggle of the stripping processes of God.

All Things in the Bible: Romans 8:28
Everything that happens--good or bad, joyful or sad--is under God's control. While God isn't the author of sin and evil, this passage reassures us that everything that happens is worked by Him into his grand plan. There's a reason for everything, even when we can't see it from our vantage point.