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Why does God allow suffering?
Yesterday we looked at the old and important question of the existence of God. But there's one...

Is Suffering Essential to Faith?
Often in times of trouble we run to God for answers and comfort, and we often emerge from the...

Today's devotional: never alone
In today's Slice of Infinity devotional, Rachel Tulloch writes about the crushing power of...

Today's devotional: what Jesus' suffering means for us today
As Easter approaches, many churches and individuals are revisiting the Gospel accounts of the...

Today's devotional: finding beauty amidst brokenness
Can beauty come out of brokenness? When you or a loved one is reeling from an illness, injury, or...

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"Restore" in the Bible: 1 Peter 5:10
The Bible doesn't promise that followers of Christ will be spared suffering and difficulty--on the contrary. But what it does promise is that God will always restore us after any trial that we undergo. This passage tells us that suffering is for a "short time" only, and will be followed by God's healing.

Help in the Bible: Hebrews 2:18
When we experience suffering or setbacks, we can know that Jesus understands what we're going through. Jesus can make the remarkable claim to have actually walked in our shoes; in our lives, we won't run into any temptation or trial that Jesus himself didn't experience as well. It's a great comfort to know that our God not only sympathizes with us, but knows exactly what we are going through. He's been there!

Suffering in the Bible: 1 Peter 4:12-16
The experience of suffering shouldn't come as a surprise to Christians--in fact, we should expect it. Christ-followers don't find their comfort in the promise that God will end their suffering; instead they find hope in the knowledge that Christ suffers alongside us and offers us true spiritual life.

Compassion in the Bible: Isaiah 63:7-9
This passage shows us the extent of God's great compassion. God hates to see his people suffer, whether through their own actions or somebody's else's--and when we suffer, God feels and understands our distress. And even more, he delights in lifting us our of our suffering.

Colossians 1:24-29 - Into Thy Word Ministries
Suffering for the Church! Are you happy when you can suffer for others? Being poured out, used, exhausted—even abused by the church in which you serve?

1 Peter 4: 12-19 - Into Thy Word Ministries
We May Suffer for Faithfully Being in Him! Persecutions and sufferings have a reason and a purpose! They have a way of refining and purifying us to allow the...

1 Peter 4: 1-11 - Into Thy Word Ministries
We Are To Have the Attitude of Christ! Are you chasing your desires or our Lord? The answer to this question will determine what direction in life you go as well as if, when, and how sin will entice you to fall!

1 Peter 3: 13-22 - Into Thy Word Ministries
Suffering for Doing Good! This passage begins Peter’s discourse on suffering (3:13-5:11). When something bad happens to someone who is bad, we should not be surprised.

Romans 8: 18 - 30 - Into Thy Word Ministries
Hope and guidance! Even in the mist of dire circumstances as with Paul in II Cor 11: 23-29 we can have hope beyond hope.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Best Seats in the House - #4475
Those who have suffered painfully, those who have been hurt deeply, they are the people who have - or can have - a view of the awesomeness of God that others never see. And if you are going through a long, dark valley right now, there's hope here for you in seeing beyond the hurt to what can happen if you let your big need open you up to a big God.