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Finding grace amidst tragedy and loss
Last Friday, a gunman opened fire at a civic center in Binghamton, New York, killing 13 people...

Remembering Columbine
Ten years ago today, America reeled at the news of a massacre at Columbine High School. Much has...

Helping the Haiti relief effort
Like millions of others around the world, I'm finding it hard to focus on mundane matters this...

How has your church addressed the Haiti disaster?
In the days immediately following the Haiti earthquake, there was much discussion of ways that we...

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The ministries in the Community organize information into 'topics' to help you find what you're looking for. Learn more

Helping Kids Cope with Tragedy
As parents, we naturally desire to shield our children from tragedy. We turn off the TV to protect their eyes. We might even ask them to leave the room to protect innocent ears. We watch their intake carefully to protect their hearts. But as much protection and security as we attempt to provide, there comes […]

The Captain and the Crash - #6561
Jesus didn't risk His life to save me; He gave it, and He did it for you too. The day you surrender the wheel to Captain Jesus, is the day you'll start heading the direction you were made for. And the people who sail with you - all the people you love - will finally be safe.

It Doesn't Take Long to Freeze - #6476
You can't afford one day off spiritually. Begin each day...begin every day in the personal presence of your Savior, Jesus, who is mighty to save and mighty to save you from the sin of that day. A busy day, a boring day, a day you're away from home, a down day, a vacation day, a special day. No matter what the day, begin it in the presence of Jesus whether you feel like it or not. If you don't feel like it, you probably need to even more.

Film review: The Tree of Life is a remarkable story echoing the experience of Job
The Tree of Life is a remarkable and surreal film. When did you last see a mainstream production which started with a quote from the book of Job, and then took a 'Job's journey' through pain to healing acceptance?

Using contemporary culture as starting point in evangelism
I think it’s important for Christians to use aspects of contemporary culture if they are serious about beginning a dialogue with non-Christians. Rev. John Stott (in Basic Christianity) has said: “The great tragedy in the church today is that evangelicals are biblical but not contemporary, while liberals are contemporary but not biblical. We need faithfulness to the ancient word and sensitivity to the modern world.”

The Emergency Room at Peggie's Place!
Need help in a spiritual crisis? Find helpful resources for health, troubled families, emotional needs, spiritual questions and more!

The Only Way to Heal Your Heart - #6076
The greatest tragedy I can imagine is that you would miss what Jesus spent so much to give you, by depending on your religion or your goodness to get your sins forgiven. If there was any other way for you to have your sin forgiven, believe me, Jesus would not have paid the price He paid. You could miss it all by ignoring Him or just continually putting Him off, or by knowing a lot about Him but not knowing Him.

Security in Your Violent Storm - #6061
You've been through enough storms; you've lost enough that you were counting on. You know how much you need that anchor. Someone who loved you enough to die for you will never do you wrong. Someone who's powerful enough to walk out of His grave under His own power is bigger than any storm that could destroy you.

Never More Than You Can Carry - #6038
Your Father loves you. Your Father knows what you can handle. He knows what He can trust you with. There's something much bigger, something much more eternal going on here than you can possibly imagine, maybe even a contest over you between the devil and God Himself. Carry your burden faithfully, with undiminished allegiance to your Lord and daily downloading of the mighty grace of God.

When the Captain Is Not On the Bridge - #5754
There are a lot of people and pressures that are pulling on us parents. Some of them are screaming for our attention while our children are just whisper for it. Could it be that you've become preoccupied with less important things? Actually, almost everything is a less important thing than your priceless trust from God.