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Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Excitement of Exploring - #3970
The same old scenery gets boring after a while. It's exciting to explore new ground. That may be exactly what your Lord is trying to get you to do right now - to dare to leave that safe, predictable road you always travel on and follow Him into something new and exciting - and, yes, unknown and unpredictable.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - A Thousand Teachers - #3980
Okay, it may be okay if you don't spend any more hours in a school building ... if you don't have to take any more of those stressful midterms or finals. But there's a sense in which God doesn't ever want us to consider "school" as being "out," because He's got so much to teach us and so many teachers through whom He wants to send it. Smart people are looking for teachers for the rest of their life.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Reservoir Security - #3987
There are things you just cannot let get into your spiritual reservoir. You need to guard your affections - don't let yourself get close to someone who can steal some of your love for Jesus and diminish your love for Him. And guard your motives - don't let pride or jealousy or self-interest poison what you're doing for your Lord.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - What to Say When You Don't Have the Answer - #5425
I don't have all the answers for the poverty and suffering in the world, but I have a Savior who entered into that suffering when He came here, who lived as a poor man, who died to defeat the ultimate generator of human suffering - human sin. It's all about Jesus. I don't have all the answers about why someone you love died. I only know that God knows the feeling - He watched His Son murdered on a cross.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Rat Race and The Relationship - #5542
Jesus' days were wall-to-wall busy - again, something you might be able to identify with. But it says, "He often withdrew to lonely places and prayed." Jesus simply would not allow himself to get so busy that He neglected His time alone with His Father. Yes, there was unfinished work to do, there were people to respond to, there were needs to be met, but He refused to sacrifice the relationship for the responsibilities.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Uncowarding the Cowardly Lion - #5554
When you encourage someone, you literally put courage in them. You give them courage to take a risk, to trust God, maybe just to get through a very tough day. You put courage in someone when you stop and you pray with them. I said with them not just for them.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Unflappable - #5584
The problem is that a lot of us are instinctive, addicted wing-flappers! I'm one. I can get it done if I make a good plan, motivate the right people, work enough hours, sacrifice enough sleep, have enough control. Listen to those wings flapping wildly in the wind! I'm flying as high and as long as my resources can carry me. For too many years I settled for that altitude and the stress of trying to make things happen myself.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - That Voice - #5616
Our word for today from the Word of God is John 10:3. It says, "The watchman opens the gate for the shepherd and the sheep listen to His voice. He calls His own sheep by name and leads them out." Here's a fundamental that you need to remember every day. "You sheep ... Him Shepherd." And Jesus describes this incredibly personal relationship that you as a sheep have with Him as your Shepherd.

Proverbs: Ron Rhodes
Proverbs A Life-Changing Encounter with God's Word More than just clever sayings, the proverbs teach how to live life. Apply them to yourself through this study.

DFD 3 (revised) Walking with Christ: The Navigators
Learn five vital aspects to living as a strong and mature disciple of Christ through this easy-to-understand Bible study.