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The Dark Side - #5924
Jesus asked a haunting question about all this in Luke 6:46. It's our word for today from the Word of God. He said, "Why do you call Me, 'Lord, Lord,' and do not do what I say?" If you got to your room tonight and found Jesus there, He might very well ask you that question. If He did, what areas of your life do you think He'd have in mind when He said, "You're not doing what I say"?


Playing Offense When the Pressure is On - #3308
As long as people are trying to live like Jesus in a dirty world, there will be pressure to fit in. You probably feel it where you are - the pressure to compromise just a little on the truth, or on your purity, or on your allegiance to Jesus. Every time you compromise a little to fit in, you actually increase the pressure. They'll be back again, expecting you to give in again. But once you take a firm stand, pass a couple of tests, people will let you be what you said you'd be.


The Fire You Think You Can Control - #3521
God has given us warning. This fire you think you can control will get out of control - and you will do more damage than you could ever have imagined. Your protection against the inferno is the commitment of Job 31:1 - "I made a covenant with my eyes not to look lustfully..." It's a choice. The payoff? Beauty instead of charred remains.


Spiritual Land Mines - #3730
Usually, if your sin is because of your love for money, you'll leave a trail and you'll eventually be caught. Usually, if your sin is one of the love of the opposite sex, it will ultimately be exposed and punished. But perhaps the most insidious spiritual land mine of all is the love of power. That one's hard to prove, hard to confront - but a prideful, power-loving spiritual leader can often maim and scar and even destroy people for a lifetime without ever being stopped.


Finishing Your Race - #3712
Maybe you've been tempted to quit an assignment God has given you - and He's coming to you right now saying, "Finish the race." Run with everything you've got, not halfheartedly. Remember, He gave everything He had in His race to rescue you - and even though He was beaten and bloody, Jesus didn't quit until He had crossed the finish line.


The "One More Thing" Syndrome - #2827
We tell young people to "just say no" to drugs. That's good advice for us responsibility addicts, too. So the next time you're tempted to over commit yourself, think of that trunk, packed with all it should hold. And, like your Master, have the wisdom and courage to resist trying to add just one more thing.


Going Back To Where You Went Wrong - #2823
Biblical repentance always goes hand-in-hand with restitution - making things right at the point where you went wrong. That might be restoring money to someone, undoing some lies or some damage you did to someone's reputation, maybe asking forgiveness of those who you sinned against sexually, sinned with sexually, or maybe of those who have been hurt by you anger. Whatever the sin, the Holy Spirit of God will make it clear what needs to be made right.


Keeping the Weight Off - #2720
Jesus gloriously liberated you from the sinful weight of that ugly old way of living, that old way of thinking, of meeting your needs, of treating people. But it was painful getting that weight off, wasn't it? You can't afford to let it start coming back. Say no now to the first signs of that burden returning!


Hitting People With Your Baggage - #2711
Maybe you're carrying a load of stress, or hurt, or frustration, or anger, or worry. It could be that the pain of your past keeps weighing you down. But the problem is that your baggage is hurting other people - who probably don't deserve it!


Driving With Your Brake On - #2639
You may be so used to this sinful attitude or mindset or action that it's almost second nature to you - a word that you just kind of accept as describing you. But your fatal flaw is your emergency brake, holding you back from going full speed.
