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Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Viruses in Your Computer - #4452
There are wrong desires that literally start a war in your soul. And whatever feeds those destructive desires is a virus in your mind and heart that you cannot afford - no matter how exciting; no matter how interesting it appears to be. That's why God says the strategy for keeping your soul from being poisoned is simple - abstain. Stay away from sinful desires and the influences that feed them. In fact, as 2 Timothy 2:22, says, run away from them!


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - When Fear isn't Final - #4458
When the Bible talks about rescue, it's not just referring to saving a person so they can live maybe thirty or forty more years on earth. When God talks rescue, He's talking about saving a person so they can live forever. Some of the spiritually dying people Jesus came to save work where you work, they live where you live, they go to school where you go to school, they participate in things you participate in. And He's placed a rescuer in their lives so they can have a chance at Jesus, and a chance at heaven. You probably looked at that rescuer in the mirror this morning.


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Yesterday's Shame - Today's Victory - #4465
Never is that more dramatic when God takes the sinning you've done, or the sinning that was done against you, and makes it into a boomerang to hit the very devil who once used that stuff to bring you down. Now all that ugly becomes something beautiful in Jesus' hands, causing people to listen to you when you talk about Jesus, providing living proof of His power - and maybe even helping you climb a tower for His sake.


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Your Mirror, Your Friend - #4494
The truth you keep running from never really goes away. Everywhere you go, you take you with you. God loves you too much to let you keep running, denying, and living a lie. So He's put someone in your life to hold up a mirror. Don't reject what the mirror is trying to show you. And don't blame the mirror - it's the message the mirror is trying to give you, not the messenger that's the issue.


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Slowly - But Surely - Submerged - #4524
You've got to stop that killer strategy with the first look, the first date, the first lie, the first flirtation, the first thoughts of divorce, the first detour from God's Word. This is going to take you where you don't want to go - unless you stop it now. Before today's compromise gives birth to tomorrow's tragedy, run from it.


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - No Retreat, No Defeat - #4527
No matter how intense the battle, no matter how weary the warrior, no matter how overwhelming the odds - do not retreat! With the Word of God in your hand, with your brothers and sisters by your side, with the Lord your God fighting for you, it won't be you who retreats - your enemy is going down!


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Never Forgetting What it Cost - #4528
Forget the cross, and you start feeling like trash again; forgetting how much Jesus thinks you're worth. Forget the cross, and you'll start settling for junk instead of holding out for the best that He died to give you. And if you forget the cross, you'll probably be ashamed of Him, ashamed to let people know you belong to Him and how they can belong to Him. But when I envision the shame He went through for me ... when I remember that He was not ashamed of me, even when it meant hanging on that cross, then how can I be ashamed of Him?


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Volcano Scars - #4532
When we're angry, we're a lot like a volcano. We erupt, we spew out our lava, and we often blow away a piece of the other person - if not ourselves. And every one of us carries around parts of us that have been mortally wounded by something someone said to us in anger. They may well have forgotten it; we can't ever forget it.


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Firing Too Soon - #4542
We start shooting before we really understand what a person is feeling; where they're really coming from. We may listen long enough to hear their words, but how about their heart? To hear the surface issue maybe, but not long enough to hear the real issue. We make some of our most hurtful mistakes, and we say some of our most damaging words when we just react to a person's deeds instead of stepping back and looking for the need that is causing the deed.


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The High Price of a Little Ice - #4438
Now, it doesn't take much ice on the wings to cause an airplane to start losing altitude. It doesn't take much ice in your soul to cause you to start losing altitude - to start going down spiritually.
