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The Unprepared Nightmare - #5768
For you, for me, there will come a day when God will say, "This very night, this very day your life will be demanded from you." Only He knows when your appointment with Him is. And it can't be rescheduled, it can't be cancelled, or it can't be postponed.


When It Hurts to Copy Your Father - #5751
There are things our father and mother did, things they said, that we were determined not to repeat when we had kids. Well, so much for that good intention. All too often, the longer we live, the more we sound like or act like our father or mother in ways that we never wanted to repeat. We know how much those things hurt us, and in spite of ourselves, they are now hurting our children: that same temper, that same critical spirit, that same manipulating, guilt tripping, harsh words, withdrawal or selfishness.


The Most Off-Key Chorus Of All - #5718
He wants to help you and me handle the moments when we just want to think about ourselves. It's at those times when I'm really tired, when I'm really stressed, when I'm really not feeling good, that I have to reach beyond my feelings and say, "Dear Lord, give me the grace to still think about others when I feel like just thinking about me."


Unnecessary Running - #5714
The difference between personal peace and personal turmoil is an issue of priorities. Which kingdom are you putting first? If what matters to God, like your time with Him, your service for Him, the condition of your relationships; if those things have been shoved to the margins by other less eternal pursuits, then you're trapped in a race that knows no peace.


Putting Clean On Over Dirty - #5711
So you are at a crossroads. God brought us together today to tell you that covering up your dirty with a layer of clean isn't going to cut it. It's self-deception, it's living a lie, it's defying God, and it's building up judgment. Don't you think it's time to come clean even if it hurts? It will hurt a whole lot more not to come clean.


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries, Inc. - Attacking the Acid That's Attacking You - #5693
The acid of bitterness has done enough damage. Jesus stands ready to neutralize that bitterness with a heavy dose of His forgiving love and grace. You'll find it at the cross where you were forgiven.


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Somebody's Got to Move - #5684
Isn't it time to release that bitterness? Hasn't it done enough damage? It isn't hurting the person you're bitter toward. It's hurting you, and probably others you love. Bitterness can only be moved out by something called forgiveness.


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - When 'Charge!' Beats 'Retreat' - #5683
Well, maybe right now you're facing a big risk, or a big job, or a big setback, or a big threat, and everything in you and around you is signaling, "Retreat!" Your fears are great, you're feeling discouraged. Remember, God's ancient people made their biggest mistake turning away from the Promised Land because they were afraid and they got discouraged. You'll probably miss God's best if your eyes are on the circumstances or your feelings.


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - No Tipping Allowed - #5654
Jesus also deserves the best of your talents and your dearest possessions. Who really owns that car of yours, that house, that music, that wardrobe, those books? Jesus' Name should be all over everything. He should have prior claim to how it all gets used since He paid for your life with His life on a cross!


Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - God's Big 'Do Not Touch' Sign - #3918
When there's something really hazardous, there's often a "do not touch" sign on it, put there by people who know how much harm it can do. God has put a sign like that on some things that may not appear harmful on the outside, but which carry deadly spiritual voltage.
