Are you attending any church or ministry conferences this year?

I’m not attending any church or ministry conferences this year, but I have in the past. In my experience, conferences can be fantastic times for reconnecting with old friends, worshiping God and planning for the future. There’s something about gathering together for a solid block of time with like-minded people that manages to be helpful and fun.

What about you? Are you attending any church or ministry conferences this year?

Share your thoughts!

4 Responses to “Are you attending any church or ministry conferences this year?”

  • William Wilson says:

    Yes i am attendding four Christian Conference the first on will be in July at Met Tab London School of Theology for three days. Then in August Abba English Conference for a week in Wales and then Heartfordshire for a week at the End of August. And i was at one in March called the Biringham Conference which was very good indeed.

  • Lorenxo says:

    Hopefully Lord willing I will see a conference to attend. I attended the Birthing place conference last summer in 09’/ This summer would be an awesome time in the LORD.

  • Ambica says:

    I will be attending a Women Discipling Women conference in July. It is a wonderful conference that is put on by Masters College in Santa Clarita. Great speakers and I always come home learning something. Our church, Grace Bible Church in Redwood City is having a conference in October, and the guest speaker is Cynthia Heald. I look forward to being at Women’s conferences because we meet so many new sisters in Christ; these conferences sure encourages my soul. The best part is to be with people who are like minded and who loves sound Biblical teaching.

  • sean c jackson says:

    No, l’m attending any conferences this year. I do not have any problems with conferences as long as they have them for the right reason and not to just raise money or to look for a date.