What sermon has impacted you the most?

I’ve listened to hundreds, if not thousands, of sermons in my life. Sadly, I remember very very few of them. But the ones I do remember are etched in my mind as life-changing events.

The two that really stand out to me:

The first was at the church I grew up in. One of the pastors there gave a sermon about how different personality types approach faith and the Bible. He illustrated this with different hats. For me, as a young kid confused about nearly everything in life, hearing that not every Christian had to be the same was mind-blowing. It opened me up to the reality that the body of Christ is full of all kinds of people, and that I had a place in it.

The other sermon was about a year ago at my previous church. The main pastor and one of our regular guest preachers team-taught on the end of Acts 2 about the church and giving. The sermon was generally excellent; but what seared it in my memory was what happened afterward. They set out buckets at the front and asked those who weren’t in need to put some money in the bucket. Likewise, they asked those that were in need to come up and take some money out. There were a lot of tears of joy in that service. It taught me some important lessons about freely giving to those in need.

What about you? What sermon has impacted you the most?

3 Responses to “What sermon has impacted you the most?”

  • The Psalms series at Robinwood Church. Prepping for the messages has awakened my faith in new ways. We are 40-some weeks into the series and it will go for years. Khesed and Selah to all of you. Click on the link above for the global podcast from our little indie church in the OC. The Psalms are some of the richest and most “un-shielded” passages in the Bible.

  • Emily says:

    It was in the 1960s when the hippies and drug culture were on the ascendancy. At a revival service, the preacher said, “Young people, don’t ever go anywhere that you would be ashamed to take Jesus with you.” That has stuck wtih me all these years.

  • .W Tozer- Pursuit of God biblical references to the Majesty of Almighty God
    ref psalm 104