Does Your Pastor Make Political Statements From the Pulpit?

I’ve yet to go to a church in which someone hasn’t made a political statement from the pulpit. Usually, it comes out around election time, and usually the person isn’t trying to push an agenda. Political thought is just a part of being a human, and sometimes those feelings come out.

But sometimes, mixing politics and religion can be very distracting. Possibly the most egregious personal example I’ve seen happened last year. We had a guest speaker at our church who was formerly steeped in the civil rights movement. His message was extraordinarily politically charged, and he made no bones about what party he supported. Needless to say, many people in the audience disagreed with him. A man in front of me who had been fidgeting the entire time at one point audibly said “I’m leaving if he keeps this up!”

In that case, politics did nothing but distract the majority of the congregation from the message the speaker had. Even those who agreed with him felt the tension in the room rising.

Occasional guest speakers aside, has your pastor ever engaged in political statements from the pulpit? When it does happen, how does it make you feel?

13 Responses to “Does Your Pastor Make Political Statements From the Pulpit?”

  • Sonia says:

    It depends on what you mean by political. This nation was completely mixed with church and politics when it was first formed. The morals and values behind “the right side of politics” has to be preached or many people would not know the truth behind it. When it comes to the abortion issue and others (and in the past-slavory,racial issues, etc) we have the right to speak up about it(that is our job), in the church or whereever. Often the truth just has to be spoken despite the opposition against it (even if it runs people off). The church plays a major role and that is a lot of what is wrong with this nation today, the church has been as a whole silenced. When it is time to speak, we must speak.That is what freedom of speech is all about.

  • Léia says:

    I don´t think that talk about political issues at church is prohibited, but I dont mind about parties…the most important is think about how that person we are suppose to elect can contribute to God´s purpose in our city or country.


    That ‘s right !! “”” Usually, it comes out around election time “” !
    And it makes you so nervous that you want to leave even the congregation because the pastor or the predicator mix religion and politics. In Madagascar, most people are traditionally Christians. However, when it is election time, you go to church, you are in trouble! You ask yourself, am I in a Christian Church or at a political meeting ?? Very sad situation!!!

  • James says:

    Our pastor has let us know his political views may times but only briefly during the sermon. Most of what he points out is said in the national news such as how the economy is, etc. I don’t mind if he mentions that the current leaders should make their decisions based on biblical doctrine but as he points out, it often isn’t that way. I feel that politics should be mentioned but only briefly and always be based on sound biblical principals. It should never be the complete sermon and we should always pray for our leaders to make godly decisions as God is the one thet placed them in authority.

    • T.Shan says:

      Do the sheep speak in ’emotion’ in making such comments!. I am a sheep, and Jesus is my sheperd. But, in my spirit, our Pastor is God appointed & not Man!. If he should talk of wordly affairs, that is because he has been burdened by the ‘Holy Spirit’, to speak of such things, which the congregation spiritiually needs to know.

  • Justa Thawght says:

    I left my first Church for a lot of this very reason. I did not like hearing my Pastor’s opinions of the great issues of the day as it related to the political climate, or to bolster the Republican’s insinuation that they have a monopoly on God-liness. I am a Demoncrat with a lot of respect for, and some agreement with, the ideas, principles and philosophies of Republicans.
    I think we all would agree that we eagerly listen, with pleasure, when the political views from the pulpit aligned with our own. It is only when opposing views present themselves from the pulpit that we “grinch and murmur”.
    I say keep politics out of our church, but keep our church deep into politics!

  • Mike Medici says:

    It appears that political statements from the pulpit disqualifies a church as a non profit.

    So no big deal.

    Churches should do away with their 504 3c control by the government and teach what god directs them.

    Who needs to save a few buck on taxes while giving up their following God through his chosen leader of the your church.

  • Mark Hoelting says:

    Not often enough. I am of the opinion that a good number, if not the majority of registered voters do not take the time to educate themselves on political issues as they relate to our christian faith, and which canidates support a Catholic agenda, for example Pro-Life. I trust my pastor or a speaker he would personally endorse to speak on his behalf. With the upcomming election, I feel our pastor, (Speaker)should speak up and support the canidates that are like-mind with the teachings of our Catholic church.

  • GABRIEL DUKE says:

    Of a truth my pastor do tak about polity, but always warns that it should be fair, else it brings GOD’S WRATH on us.

  • Gary Frye says:

    A pastor is supposed to be a Watchman on the Wall, warning the people of things which are happening or coming. Any pastor worth his calling will preach what God says about rulers (those in political authority), and by God’s Word, expose those who are leading the country contrary to that. This certainly should not be the only theme of his messages, but it is definitely part of it when it is called for and as he is led by the Holy Spirit.

  • Gary Frye says:

    In our early American history, it was common to preach what was called an “Election Day Sermon” in Washington, D.C., at the capitol building (which was used as the largest church in America for over 100 years). In that sermon, the pastor or pastors would use the scriptures to advise our leaders what their duties and responsibilities before God and the people who elected them, should be. Who came to these special sermons? The president, vice president, chief justices of the supreme court, etc.

    Not only was the sermon preached around leaders and their responsibilities, it was also used to call the leaders and the individual citizens to personal and national repentance. The prayers at the beginning and end of the sermons ALWAYS ended with “ the name of Jesus Christ, our sovereign Lord…” or something to that effect.

  • Ruby says:

    The pulpit is for declaring the Word of God not for the hypocrisy of the world. The preachers of today only preach about the LOVE of God and do not preach on the SALVATION or the WRATH of God. Without Salvation, we are doomed. How do we get SALVATION? How ofter do you hear a preach teach about being perfect? They so say “NO ONES PERFECT!” Matthew 5:48 says: “Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect”. Did Jesus really mean that? If not, why would he say it. Just keep in mind, the world’s perfect is different from the perfect will of the father – “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” Romans 12:2

    Read: 1 Cor 2:6, 13:10: 2 Cor 7:1, 13:11; Col 3:14; 2 Tim 3:17; Heb 5:9.

    Lord, when all around me looks dark, remind me the bridge of hope will carry me over the present troubles, into the future You have promised. AMEN

  • Robert Loveland says:

    It’s a shame that liberals, starting with Lyndon Johnson, have scared the church into silence on political issues. No where in the IRS code does it prohibit political speech from the pulpit. Most churches qualify for tax-exempt status under the IRS code section 501(c)(3). All the statute requires for churches is that they do not come out for or against a particular candidate. I believe pastors can and should teach Biblical principles as they relate to particular current events and issues. The problem lies in the fact that our churches are full of biblically illiterate people that simply don’t like what they are hearing because it contradicts what they want to believe. Here’s hoping that we all immerse ourselves in the Word and base our political positions on sound Biblical principles.