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Rapture in the Bible: 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17
shan05 says: "This passage has confused me some. By asleep, we mean physically dead, correct? So does this mean that a christian physical death today does not translate to being in heaven today?" check my blog for your answer http://ootbc.blogspot.com/

Acts of worship - worshiping outside of church - FarsiPraise Blog
Sammy says: we christians should worship our lord in spirit and truth

All Aboard MRS. Noah's Ark!
says: how long did it take to build the ark

"Born again" in the Bible: John 3:1-21
Andy says: Terrie, to be "born again" is another way of describing the process of accepting Jesus as your Savior and being spiritually renewed by the Holy Spirit. When we accept Christ, we are forgiven of our sins and mistakes and are free of them. This spiritual transformation is so radical that it's like becoming an entirely new person--hence the phrase "born again" to suggest that we are entering into a whole new life.

Lessons on Living From David
says: What man did God strike dead for refusing to help David?

SermonIndex.net audio sermons: Major Ian Thomas
Paul Platillero says: Major Thomas was the anointed and faithful preacher I have ever known, and he has been a great blessing to me and my family. I am so glad to find some of his sermons online. God bless, Pual

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Peace in the Midst of the Storm
Dave says: Can you please tell me where I can get a copy of this painting on the Internet? I would love to use it for a message I'll be giving in a month or so. Thanks & God bless.

Hades in the Bible: Matthew 16:18
Lyssa says: Hey, I love this... I was online talking to this girl, who believes that hell is not real and this sums it all up for what it is.... She called herself a christian, but she denied there was a hell, and this sums it all up perfectly!

Anxiety in the Bible: Philippians 4:6-7
Charis says: Michelle - Praise the Lord that you are seeking help! There is free, Bible-centered counseling available to you. Visit NANC's website at www.nanc.org. Learn about Biblical counseling that will teach you God's word to help you overcome your anxiety and depression. There is a "locate a counselor" section on there, too. May the Lord bless you as you seek Him.

What God Gives Bonuses For - #5811
EPHRAIM says: i want to know more on how to be a good leader in holiness, cause i have this auge in me to save people out there who are blind...i want know more about holiness...faith. above all what those it take to understand the word of God perfectly? because i love the word and i want to do positive things out from it. through Gods power in me...God will bless the funders of this website...