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Third heaven - a Christian perspective
Anitamarie Kuhn says: I would like to know..... what is the third heaven?

Stripes in the Bible: Isaiah 53:5
Ekele Sampson says: I love this but it has been confusing me with 1 peter 2:24 so i need a more broad explanation. God bless u all and keep it up with your good works.

Why bother to share the Gospel with Muslims?
osas says: Please,can you explain why jesus is called the messiah and the son of God.

Heat in the Bible - a Christian perspective
brachel says: I have heard of a scripture that describes flesh melting in intense heat. I think this could refer to nuclear war. But I can't find this reference. Can you help?

Pray for those who mistreat you - a Christian perspective
mary.jenkins286 says: Lord, I'm praying for my husband, Terry, his mother, Willie, his step-father, Bill, and his youngest sister, Brandy. Lord, please touch their hearts so they can be good christian and fear the LOrd God. In jesus Name, Amen. Thank you Jesus!

Third heaven - a Christian perspective
Andy says: Anitamarie, this essay might be helpful to you in learning what is meant by "third heaven": "The 'Third Heaven'" - http://www.cresourcei.org/thirdheaven.html Hope that helps!

Galatians: a Bible Study
says: God Bless and keep you

Tithe in the Bible - a Christian perspective
Alisa Cooper says: I have been in the situation of being in debt and having to pay tithes. My husband and I decided to be faithful to God and watch Him work. It was difficult at first because the creditors were constantly calling, but it soon worked out...we are now managing well and seeing our way as we continue to return our tithes to the Lord. Keep returning what God asks...and soon your faithfulness will be rewarded and it will be a witness to your husband of the might of our God.

Devotional : The Hero of the Story
Suzan Crump says: I am a Leader of Celebrate Recovery located in Olney, Maryland. We are presenting a message on Trust. I came across this devotional and felt it would surely speak volumes to those who are searching for where God is in their life and fine-tune their perspective of who God is to them. May I use this devotional? Thank you for your wonderful wisdom and encouraging words. In Christ's Love, Suzan

Accept - a Christian perspective
templedandu says: If anyone be in christ he is a new creature 1Cor. 5:17