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Sarai in the Bible - a Christian perspective
Andy says: djenkins, I think the passage you're looking for is Genesis 12:1-8: http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis%2012:1-8&version=NIV That tells the story of Abram's call to leave his homeland and travel to a new land. Is that the one you're after?

Judge angels - a Christian perspective
Andy says: Agreed, Karen. Christians may have a reward waiting in heaven for their faith, but in the meantime, we're commanded to love and serve others without thought of reward. If we truly love God, we'll be motivated to humbly and selflessly love others, without doing it just to earn a reward in the afterlife.

Muscle Mike says: where does the bible talk about praying to no one but God?

How Should a Christian Respond to “Gay Marriage”? - Answers in Genesis
christinme says: Loving the person, hating the sin - How does this play out in action though? What physical actions do you take to love the person and what physical actions do you take to hate the sin. They sound like contradictory activities since you cannot remove the person you are trying to love from the sin you are trying to hate. So then, what action do you take, love or hate? Choosing to live a life of love or of hate is an enormous decision and a daily decision that must suggest what Christ would have us do.

Module 110: Augustine | Christian History Institute
Andy says: TDawson, here's a nice short article on Augustine and Monica: http://www.christianhistorytimeline.com/GLIMPSEF/Glimpses/glmps074.shtml Hope that helps!

Talents in the Bible: Matthew 25:14-30
Albert Brasil says: I Agree ! We need to use all that God has given to us. We need to live only for Him. And all that we have is for His Glory !

Lausanne Regional Gathering in Abuja, Nigeria: The African Church Prepares for 2010
Okegbile says: May the spirit of Laussanne fill Nigerian christians, and break the yoke of division, denominationalism, and materialism in Jesus name.Very Rev. Deji Okegbile

"Wings of eagles" in the Bible: Isaiah 40:30-31
TimekaJ says: Usually young people have so much energy, but even they get tired. So if they get tired, they others who are elder than they are definately get tired. If God can renew their strength, he definately can renew yours. Just like your so sleepy that you just have to fall out on a couch or bed, and fall into a deep sleep, when you wake up you are refreshed and feel much better, this is what God gives us after we are renewed! The wings of the eagles that they refer to represents God lifting us up. Instead of walking and getting tired, we would soar and not get tired. Thank You God.

Devotionals : Temptation
Carlos Velez says: I use your devotionals everyday. I'm blessed by the Word of God and is a good way to start my day.

poky says: 1. 1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:8-10 (in Context) 1 John 1 (Whole Chapter)