Recruiting Adult Volunteers: Tools for Evaluating Gifts and Abilities
Several tools for evaluating leaders' gifts and abilities are described and evaluated.

Recruiting Adult Volunteers: Interviewing and Placing
It's tempting to accept any warm body that volunteers for that hard-to-fill position. But it's critical that we put only qualified leaders over our students. Here's how.

Recruiting Adult Volunteers: Publicity to Let the Congregation Know
People want to volunteer in a ministry where God is working. Good publicity lets the congregation know what God is doing in the youth ministry.

Interns: How to Work With Them (Part 2)
In this second part, Michael Holt gives us insights from those who supervise interns as well as from his own vast experience.

Interns: How to Work With Them (Part 1)
For over 20 years, Michael Holt has hired, trained, mentored and supervised interns. In this first of a two-part article, Michael shares with us from his extensive experience. Additionally, he draws from the experiences of other interns and youth leaders.

Serving in Different Cultures
Our call to service is clear. But our service may look very different, depending on the cultural context of our service. Dave Livermore gives us a window through which we can peek outside of our cultural box and see how service looks in several different cultures.

Service and Acts of Kindness: No Strings Attached
Many ministries are doing acts of kindness with no strings attached, and seeing the unchurched embrace Christ as a result.

Building Ministry in Your Cultural Context
Cookie-cutter ministry formulas don't work in every cultural context. Dave Livermore helps us to adapt our ministry strategy to each context, including the Word, Worship, Community and Serving.

Forgiveness: The Power That Heals
If students could learn to forgive others from the heart, they would not resort to violence to even up the score. Innes' article presents a much-needed exhortation to forgive. Youth workers could use this article as a basis for a message to their students on the topic.

Preventing School Violence (Bible Study)
This lesson plan/article shows that the characteristics in students' lives that put them at risk for school violence were addressed by the Bible thousands of years ago. We can have a part in preventing school violence by promoting Christian character and helping youth model it for their peers.