In the Company of Angels II: The World Will Sing by Caedmon's Call
It feels like lying facedown on the floor before throne of God, lost in wonder and consumed with awe. That’s one way to describe feelings that emerge while listening to “In the Company of Angels II: The World Will Sing”, the eighth album from Caedmon’s Call.

Mission: Impossible III
“M:I3” did its best to combine elements of what made episodes I and II strong, namely the conspiracy involving higher-ups at IMF from Ep. I and the “race against time” factor from Ep. II. As to be expected, the action scenes and the tech gadget-y stuff had a high "Ooh" and "Aah" factor. Three words

Come on, Feel it by Baumer
South Carolina is not exactly a hotbed of great music. Our last big thing was Hootie and the Blowfish (who’s mention will, I’m sure, be fertile ground for a discussion on what does and does not make for great music). We do, however, have the occasional bright spot on the underground scene

Inside Man
I recently went to watch Inside Man, the new Spike Lee joint. Let's just say it was far better than I was expecting it to be. It had a psychological component that was unanticipated.

V for Vendetta
V for Vendetta is the sort of film that should be seen in a group of at least four and at a showing early enough that said group can go out and get coffee afterwards while discussing the finer points of the plot.

The Irresistable Revolution
Wow, what a challenging, convicting, mind blowing book. I picked this up randomly, and thought it might be interesting. Who in youth ministry wouldn’t be intrigued by a book that looks like a cardboard box with duct tape on it?

The Song Inside The Sounds of Breaking Down by John Mark McMilla
Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest." (Matthew 11:28, The Message) That verse could be used to sum up John Mark McMillan's newest album. "The Song Inside The Sounds Of Breaking Down"

Sing-A-Longs & Lullabies for the Film Curious George
Jack Johnson the singer/songwriter, filmmaker and father was approached to give the Curious George movie a soundtrack but more importantly give George a voice through song. He accomplishes this through 7 original songs and a few collaborations with artists like Ben Harper, G-Love and Matt Costa.

Jesus Land
Julia Scheeres book Jesus Land is difficult book to read. Wonderfully written and captivating, the hard truth of fundamental Christianity can be a hard pill to swallow. And it's not all fundamental Christians, just the ones that Julia encounters and writes about in this memoir of her life.

For Freedom by Jimmy Needham
"Here's yet another college-kid worship attempt. Hum-drum guitars, a decent but unremarkeable voice, and the loose college praise band behind him." That's what I thought before I popped the CD in.