Grey Holiday’s Glorious Revolution
Rarely, if ever, do musicians start a band with a bass player that’s never played bass and a drummer that’s never actually drummed. Yet that’s exactly how Grey Holiday got its start—with four friends.

Remedy by David Crowder Band
Dr. Pepper. Ted Nugent. Squirrels. Banjos. World change. What do these things have in common? Remedy by David Crowder Band. For the band, this much anticipated release is also the proclamation of a new challenge for the band.

Struggling to Shrink: What to Do and What Not to Do When You Suspect an Eating Disorder
Part 2: You ask her what's wrong. She says she pigged out at free time and isn’t hungry. It is at least 80 degrees in the hall and yet she is wearing a long sleeved t-shirt and a sweatshirt. You shrug it off for the moment, but you know something isn’t right.

Struggling to Shrink: Eating Disorders 101
Part 1: A group of young women enter a room. Some come in talking and laughing while others stare at the floor reluctant to participate. Each woman takes a seat on chairs have been placed in a circle and waits for another round of group therapy to begin.

The Seven Deadly Sins of Student Ministry: Lust
Part 2 John was one of my most devoted volunteers. Not only did he help with my campus ministry, but he was also a full-time youth pastor at one of the big churches in the area.

The Seven Deadly Sins of Student Ministry: Pride
Part 1 “My students” and “my ministry” are expressions of sincere ownership youth workers use. But to whom do your students really belong? Who called you to ministry in the first place? Who truly makes life change possible?

Issues in Youth Ministry
Youth Ministry leaders often feel undervalued, students are under constant pressure, and the ministry itself is sometimes misunderstood as it searches for direction. I asked youth ministry bloggers in hopes of compiling a resource that generates discussion and evaluation of our own ministries.

Financial Peace for Youth Workers: Building for the Future
Part 3 of 3. You have won a long hard fight, don’t surrender now… Getting free of debt requires breaking the mindset that debt is part of life, and then working a plan that seems to take forever, especially tackling pesky things like student loans.

Financial Peace for Youth Workers: Breaking the Bonds
Part 2 of 3. It takes intensity. The light at the end of the tunnel is not a train. Completely eliminating the debts that drain us can be done. It can be done in two or three years, but it takes intensity.

Financial Peace for Youth Workers: The Great Struggle
Part 1 of 3: Stories are comically endless about youth workers not having money and getting paid in heaven some day. Certainly for too long the church overworked and underpaid their youth specialists, but that day is slowly changing.