You Matter to Parents
We know it's not always obvious, but your ministry is important to the parents of the students in your church. In this world where cultural and spiritual values clash head-on, you are a vital partner in helping us convey faith to our teenagers.

What Does Juno Teach Us About Youth Ministry?
Juno MacGuff is a snarky, ecclectic, and typical high school junior who asks her best friend, Paulie Bleeker, to have sex. When their experiment creates a positive pregnancy test Juno is forced to deal with the reality that her life has dramatically changed.

Sports: A Non-Sporting Youth Worker's Guide to Faking it
As a child, I was not into sports at all. I played intramurals in elementary school and enjoyed some activities in PE, but on Sundays I preferred my Shirley Temple movie instead of the early NFL games.

What Juno Didn't Tell You
Though my feet have never seen the stirrups of a delivery room, nor has ultrasound jelly touched my belly, I’ve experienced over 168 months of pregnancy during the past 22 years as an urban youth leader.

You Matter to Your Spouse
As you continue on this journey called marriage, you still matter to your spouse. When you hurt, he or she hurts. When someone attacks you, he or she is also attacked. Every tear you shed is precious to him or her. When you rejoice in life’s little victories, he or she rejoices with you.

You Matter to Your Community
You matter. You matter so much that the enemy wants to throw you down and rip away the joy you first had when you started on this road with God. He hates you and he hates the work you are doing in the lives of others.

You Matter to God
You matter. It's not what you do, it's you. More than you matter to your family, your students, your church, or anyone else, you matter to God.

Introducing the Ignatian Examen to Your Students
Why teach your students about the Examen? There are lots of reasons! It is a valuable tool for self-assessment, which is a critical skill for developing spiritual independence. It draws students towards silence and solitude, two disciplines that are nearly non-existent in their worlds.

Youth Ministry Exchange - Ringing in Christmas
A few CD reviews of Christmas Music from Amy Sondova of Youth Ministry Exchange.

Tending the Temple
I am an obesity survivor. It’s a label I wear with pride. One I earned through discipline, sweat, and tears. But more importantly, I’m an obesity survivor not because of some TV show or desire for attention; rather I had a motive that gave me focus and strength through my weakest moments.