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Punching Someone's Head in the Name of Christ
A week or so ago I caught wind of a New York Times story about the rise of Mixed Martial Arts...

Reaching out to Muslims during Ramadan
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Today's devotional: whose names do you know?
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How does AIDS affect your church?
Today is World AIDS Day, a day dedicated to raising awareness of AIDS and HIV. Events like...

What is this page?
The ministries in the Community organize information into 'topics' to help you find what you're looking for. Learn more

Optical illusion helps us understand how to communicate the gospel
We can frequently learn important lessons about life and communication from optical illusions. Here’s one. Which square is darker, A or B?

Church signboards for the street - ideas for noticeboards and signage publicity
Communicate Jesus blog shares this very easy idea – an A-frame sign outside the church building. Sounds very effective. For the more conventional fixed church signage, there’s a book that may help: 701 Sentence Sermons L James Harvey Kregel Publications ISBN 0-8254-2887-4 Here’s a new book of ’single sentence sermons’ – quotations and aphorisms – which have been collected together by Harvey to “use on church signs, bulletins, newsletters and sermons”. In fact, many would be useful on church websites too, perhaps on a rotating basis. Many are specifically evangelistic, others are motivational for Christians.

Answering and posing Christian questions online
The Web is primarily a relationship builder. If it connects my computer to yours, then it connects me to you, your thoughts to mine. Everything else is just the nuts and bolts. Very often, such relationships are fleeting. But worthwhile. John at ChurchCrunch explains how he uses Aardvark to connect with people who are asking spiritual questions. Charlotte writes how she helps people asking questions on Yahoo Answers. Rob from New Zealand says, “I am doing my best to reach others through Facebook and YouTube. YouTube is easy as you just reply to comments about clips and get a conversation going.” There is also a huge need for Christians to become e-mentors for inquirers who write to large web outreach ministries.

Problems and opportunities in church ministry, online and offline
# Steve Kryger at Communicate Jesus blog, recently needed to phone a number of churches in his country. What a nightmare! Those who have attempted to email churches via their websites have found a similar picture. # Changes to Facebook make it easier for churches or groups (rather than individuals) to have a Facebook presence. OurChurch has blogged about these developments. # Craig von Buseck interviews Sterling Huston about digital evangelism here – one question discussed is that of having a web evangelism team within a church. Do you know of churches who already have such teams? Please share how these work, using the ‘comment’ link below. # We now have a 2-page handout about digital evangelism, which can be used to print and distribute in a church, or can be republished (in whole or in part) in newsletters, blogs, magazines:

John 3:16 google search provides few useful answers to seekers
What happens if you google on John 3:16? Frank Johnson has blogged on the huge lack of appropriate search results, because outreach sites have not optimized any pages for such a search, or created specific landing pages for that search phrase.

Sparetime volunteers and fulltime job vacancies to work in online web evangelism outreach ministry
You want to be involved in some area of web evangelism? What next? First, two important statements: * You do not need to be technical – there are many options available for everyone. * Please take time to learn: we offer a range of training materials and books on our Training page. We all need equipping for any type of Christian ministry, and web evangelism is no exception. You can impact the world in unique ways.

Second Life church: Christian evangelism & cyber church planting in Second Life virtual reality world - preach gospel, Jesus, God
The concept of a parallel universe – Second Life – within the already virtual world of the Web is quite fascinating. If you have already played ‘SIM’ games where you build an imaginary world (eg. Theme Park, Sim City), or multi-user games where you take on an assumed persona and interact with other players, then you have a sense of what Second Life (SL) is.

Church webmaster page: design, plan, build or upgrade good church websites to best reach your community
Church websites are an essential part of local churches’ public profiles to their communities. Indeed, in some parts of the world, church websites draw more people into face-to-face church activities than any other method. Church sites outnumber all other types of Christian sites by a ratio of 5 to 1. Church sites could therefore be powerful outreach tools. However, research reveals a discouraging picture.

What does a web evangelist do? How do I start in online outreach? True stories
It is encouraging to learn how others have been led into this ministry, and see exactly what they do. Note how many different tasks there can be within this field – and not all need technical skills!

Web has potential as medium for Christian communication and outreach
The Internet has become a 21st century Roman road, marketplace, theater, backyard fence, and office drinks machine. Web evangelism gives believers opportunities to reach people with the Gospel right where they are, just as Jesus and Paul did. The Web is an open window to the whole world.