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Prints in Sand and Cement - #6308
Could it be that you didn't mean to, but you've been caught up in the footprints that you've been making in the sand? It's been so important to make that mark at work, at church, with a group of people you want to impress. Well, are the people close to you losing out to the things that you're involved in? Put your prints in cement, where they'll last, not in sand where they can't last.

Scary Times
As the tsunami was racing across the Pacific, I saw this cable news banner: "People are urged to take urgent action to protect lives." Our potentially "apocalyptic" world seems to be calling us to one of two spiritual responses - "urgent action." If you belong to Jesus, act urgently to tell people you love about Him - no more excuses, no more stalling. If you don't have a personal relationship with Jesus, act urgently to give yourself to Him.

Saturating the Saturated - #6306
Where are the churches who will not just aim their resources at watering God's people, but who will risk their buildings and their reputations, and their budgets, and their lives to build a bridge to their lost community? Not just to be a place to take care of the already rescued, but to be a life saving station for their community.

Too Good To Keep - #6281
Here's my question, "When was the last time that you personally shared what Christ did on the cross with someone who does not know Him?" When was the last time you played a part in changing someone's eternity from hell to heaven? Maybe when you first became a Christian you did. Could it be you've just settled into the comfort zone now? You may be very busy...very busy in Christian work, but you're sitting on the Good News.

The Bends in the Road - #6290
Paul said, "Everyone had deserted me, but the Lord stood at my side and gave me strength." See, the plan of God includes places where you will have no one but Him. Why is that? So you can experience life's greatest security of all.

The Line Between Night and Day - #6292
How do people feel after they've been around you? Do they feel lighter or darker? Have you built them up, or have you been critical - torn them down; made them feel anything but important? Maybe you've been living too close to that line. Your temper keeps crossing into the night; your humor, your thoughts, your physical involvement with someone else. Or maybe it's an attitude or an action that's just too dark for a day person like you. You don't belong there.

A 3-D Savior - #6294
There are three dimensions of knowing Jesus. The problem might be that one dimension is out of focus for you, or maybe not even in the picture. So why not go for it all? Work for Him, be with Him, worship Him.

At the Down End of Your Day - #6304
David said in Psalm 90:14, "Satisfy us in the morning with Your unfailing love that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days." See, in your case, you've got to wake up and think Jesus first thing. Whichever is your down end of the day, be sure that Christ's lordship reaches from your first waking moments to your last conscious moments. You can really hurt those you love the most at your harsh end of the day.

I'll Watch Your Back - #6262
Love always protects. Don't be one of those attackers in the underbrush. Commit yourself to the people in your world as a loving protector, and be remembered as the one who lived out love with this commitment, "I'll watch your back."

The Home Folks' Hazard - #6256
One of the greatest tragedies of all eternity would be if you'd been around Jesus your whole life and missed Him...and missed heaven.