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The Very Different Children of the Very Same Father - #6202
our divisions are giving lost people just another reason to ignore our Jesus. They look at us and say, "Hey, when you guys can get together, come and talk to me." It's time we started to act like what we really are: children of the same Father, born into the same family, sharing the same spiritual DNA, rescued at the same old rugged cross, spending eternity together in the same heaven.

Catching Fish, Cleaning Fish - #6200
The problem with the lost people you know is not their profanity or their dishonesty or their immorality - they're lost and they're living like it! Their real problem is they need a Savior! Yes, they must repent, but that's part of being rescued by Jesus from their sin! Don't make their lifestyle the issue. Make Jesus the issue, and say with the great spiritual fisherman, Paul, "When I came to you...I resolved to know nothing...except Jesus Christ and Him crucified" (1 Corinthians 2:1-2).

What You Gain From What You Lose - #6199
What senses does God want to deepen through your pain? Incredible qualities like radar for the deep needs behind people's deeds. A sense of compassion, which literally means the ability to "feel with" someone. God can use your pain to cultivate a wonderful tenderness in your heart and your responses. People who have been through the valley with Jesus emerge with an amazing ability to care, to wait, and to trust God.

How Your Life - And Your Death - Can Really Count - #6198
if you haven't lived to show Christ to people, your death really can't lift Him up. The death of a man or a woman who has really lived passionately for Christ can have such incredible meaning - helping others be in heaven with you. But a life not lived for Christ just can't have that kind of meaning. Death destroys every reason for living but one - living for Jesus and what matters to Him.

The Wreckage of a Runaway Mouth - #6196
God's provided a place where a life hurtling toward the cliffs of eternity can stop its deadly downward race. It's not a ramp. It's a cross. The cross where Jesus died to absorb all that our sin could do to us: its shame, its guilt, its power, its eternal punishment.

Making Sure The Family's There - #6190
It's not about religion. It's all about Jesus and His cross. So stick to that. Pray for an open door to their heart and for then for God's courage and words to go in when He opens the door. God rescued you so the people you love could have Jesus within their reach, living in someone they know. Do all God wants you to do to help everyone you love be in heaven with you.

Disproportionate Power - #6187
You plus God equals a majority, but if you try to anticipate the outcome based on earth math, you'll probably hold back, you'll probably miss the amazing thing God wants to do.

The Deadliest Day in the World - #6176
Our sins have earned us the eternal death penalty the Bible calls hell. A hell which could be cancelled only one way. It took the Son of God Himself taking your hell; taking your punishment for you. You did the sinning, but Jesus did the dying. When a rescuer extends his hand to you in a burning or collapsed building, you don't wait to grab it. Your chance to live is now.

The Hand That Won't Let Go - #6175
When He died for you, He proved He's got the love that won't let you go. When He walked out of His grave on that first Easter morning, He proved He's got the power to hold onto you through everything life and death can throw at you.

Life-Saving Pain - #6173
If someone you love is the one who's away from the Lord, you can pray in accordance with God's recovery plan here in Hosea 2 . Pray for the thornbushes and the walls and the frustrating pursuits that can cause this one you love to think about what they're doing and to remember the better days...the Jesus-days.