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Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Renewing Fire - #5407
What kind of new life does God bring out the flames? For one thing, He helps us focus the rest of our life on the things that really matter. Everything in our lives goes in one of two columns - the stuff that matters and the stuff that doesn't. And a lot of times we get those confused, don't we? The times of struggle and loss help us get everything in the right columns. So many people emerge from the fire more committed to the eternal than they ever were before.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Hope For Banged-Up Lives - #5476
You've been treated poorly, you've been made to feel that you never measure up, that you're a loser, people have undervalued you, passed you by, and maybe you've ended up pretty hard and angry inside. But there is someone who has never thrown away a banged up life, who sees beyond what's on the outside to the wounds on the inside and the potential He built into you when He made you. Jesus is your hope of a new beginning where the future doesn’t have to be just an extension of a broken past.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Fighting for Life - #5485
A baby is the unique, handmade creation of God, "fearfully and wonderfully made" the Bible says. The circumstances of conception have nothing to do with the value of the life God made. And we have no right to take into our hands the decision as to when our life ends or when any other life ends. God has ordained the number of our days before we even lived our first day. Who are we to interfere with that sovereign choice?

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Three Little Words Through the Silence - #5544
Don't let the wait, don't let the silence of God cause you to drift into doubt or bitterness. Letting this hurt drive you from God will only increase your hurt and decrease your hope. Let it drive you to God instead. Remember, never doubt in the darkness, what God has told you in the light

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Only for a Day - #5545
Maybe you're part of the reason. Your loving Lord knows you are under a heavy load of hurt right now. He has shared your pain, He's seen your tears, He has cared about your suffering, and He knows that sometimes it's just about more than you can handle.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Crushed Beauty - #5564
When people came in contact with the Apostle Paul they smelled power, they smelled grace. But it wasn't Paul's power or grace. People got to experience God's beauty because Paul had been bruised, and the bruising released the aroma of the love of God. That's what the Lord wants to do through you. Maybe you've been going through something that has bruised you or crushed you.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Knowing Before the Day - #5581
Now, my son didn't know until his graduation day if he made it or not. According to Jesus it doesn't have to be that way for us when it comes to that graduation day that matters forever. So, how can you know that your name is in His book - the one that records all those who are going to have life? See, the reason that we think we can't know until graduation day is because we have the wrong idea about what gets a person into heaven.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Treasure in the Dirt - #5593
But remember what happened in that garden. They found precious treasure in the dirt; in a place you would never expect to find it. That's how it is with really getting close to Jesus. The greatest treasures are often found in the grit and dirt of our pain and our pressure.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Hero School - #5607
In fact, nothing increases your strength and your character like the wilderness does. That's why the launching pad for Jesus' public ministry was 40 days in the wilderness - the training for Moses' powerful leadership of God's people was 40 years in the wilderness - and maybe why you are serving your time in the wilderness, right now.

Article : Jesus Didn't Stay Dead. Is That A Sacrifice?
If Jesus rose from the dead three days after He died, can His death be called a sacrifice? Some have questioned why Christians call it a sacrifice if God did not actually lose His Son permanently. This article takes a look at the pain, humiliation and separation Jesus endured and explains why any of these would be enough of a sacrifice to demand a response of awe and gratitude.