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Why does God allow suffering?
Yesterday we looked at the old and important question of the existence of God. But there's one...

Is Suffering Essential to Faith?
Often in times of trouble we run to God for answers and comfort, and we often emerge from the...

Today's devotional: never alone
In today's Slice of Infinity devotional, Rachel Tulloch writes about the crushing power of...

Today's devotional: what Jesus' suffering means for us today
As Easter approaches, many churches and individuals are revisiting the Gospel accounts of the...

Today's devotional: finding beauty amidst brokenness
Can beauty come out of brokenness? When you or a loved one is reeling from an illness, injury, or...

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Gift of Suffering: An Interview With Bunny Wilson
Bunny Wilson joins Nancy to share how physical suffering has taught her to trust the ways and heart of God.

What to Do When Life Hurts
When someone hurts us, our first reaction is to hurt them back. In this series from the book of 1 Peter, find out how you can make it through the painful circumstances of life and how having God's Word ingrained in your heart makes all the difference.

Wars and Rumors of Wars
War, rumors of war, frightening headlines, overwhelming circumstances—none of these things shake the faith of Christians who remember that God is in control. Jesus promised that tribulation and persecution would come, and He is the One who can give us the strength to face our struggles.

Storm Shelter: Finding Safety and Strength in God's Arms
Perhaps you've had the feeling that your life took a wrong turn. You thoughts you had understood God's plan for your life, and then the problems came. Whether you're struggling with a difficult situation or just looking for assurance that God is in control, you'll find help and hope.

Under His Wings
Join Nancy as she reminds us that the storms of life can press us closer to God.

His Healing Touch
Nancy uses the example of the desperate women in Mark 5 to explain how it is possible to gain hope in Christ and experience the reality of His healing touch.

Finding God In The Desert
Learn how God can use the desert experiences to build endurance in your life.

Enduring Life's Most Difficult Moments
Fifty years ago, five young missionaries were savagely killed as they tried to establish communication with the Auca Indians of Ecuador. Nancy shares a message on endurance from Elisabeth Elliot, whose husband, Jim, was killed. She also welcomes guest Steve Saint, son of one of the missionaries.

How To Have a Quiet Heart--Psalm 131
How can you have a quiet heart in the midst of a busy life, throughout pain and turmoil? Nancy points to just three verses in Psalm 131 that list three heart attitudes--humility, simplicity, and quietness--that will help you trust in the Lord no matter what you're going through.

Surviving--And Thriving--Through Suffering
Breast cancer—it’s a tough subject to discuss, but many women have to face it, whether for themselves or a loved one. Nancy welcomes Margaret Ashmore, a breast cancer survivor, and breast cancer surgeon, Dr. Sally Knox, to discuss how God can use this dreaded disease to transform a woman.