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Why does God allow suffering?
Yesterday we looked at the old and important question of the existence of God. But there's one...

Is Suffering Essential to Faith?
Often in times of trouble we run to God for answers and comfort, and we often emerge from the...

Today's devotional: never alone
In today's Slice of Infinity devotional, Rachel Tulloch writes about the crushing power of...

Today's devotional: what Jesus' suffering means for us today
As Easter approaches, many churches and individuals are revisiting the Gospel accounts of the...

Today's devotional: finding beauty amidst brokenness
Can beauty come out of brokenness? When you or a loved one is reeling from an illness, injury, or...

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1 Peter: A Life-Changing Encounter with God's Word
1 Peter - We all face trials of various kinds. Peter's advice to first-century Christians can help us, too. Encourage them to face their sufferings with Christlike character.

Deeper Still :: Hope for Those Who Grieve
Is there anything to gain from loss? What's the point of being cut through by a tragedy that impales your life in the grip of grief? Deeper Still is about people who have drunk deeply from the cup of suffering. One of them being God himself.

Hebrews: A Life-Changing Encounter with God's Word
Hebrews - Who is Jesus in relation to Old Testament Judaism? This study unlocks the doctrinal riches of Hebrews. Faced with hostility, the loss of jobs, and worse, many of them are tempted to hide their faith in Christ and revert back to the Jewish customs.

Dealing with Suffering
How do you Handel Suffering? It is our attempt, in these articles on suffering and the several that will follow in this series, to give you some measure of comfort in this tough quest.

Chasing Francis: Ian Morgan Cron
Chasing Francis A Pilgrim's Tale Francis's story intertwines with the conversations, encounters, and poignant journal entries of a disillusioned New England minister.

How can a good God allow evil and suffering? - Faith Facts
Actually, Christianity is the only religion or worldview that has an answer to evil and suffering. Eastern religions ignore evil; Darwinism and Communism rely on it; and Islam has a superficial view of it. Only Christianity provides an answer. Read more....

Lausanne World Pulse - War, Genocide, Trauma...Gospel?
Although our world is filled with evil and sorrow, we can yet find hope in the promises of scripture.

Grace for Aging: A Conversation with Evelyn Christenson
Evelyn Christenson looks back over moments of suffering in her life and reflects on God's help through these times. Now in her 80s, she models trust in God for every season of life and a desire to never stop growing and learning.

Crying Out
Where do you go when there’s no where or no one to turn to? Nancy talks about one of the most powerful principles in God’s Word—crying out to the Lord.

Don't Lose Heart
Is there a problem or hardship in your life? Nancy shares truths from God's Word that will encourage you to keep going and not lose heart.