Today’s devotional: can you be rejected by God?

Have you ever felt, in the midst of a long and dark trial, that God simply wasn’t listening to you… or even worse, that God was rejecting you? Would God ever single out somebody for rejection based on their environment, their family, or other events outside their control?

In today’s Daily Encounter devotional, Dick Innes responds to a reader who wondered if his parents’ sin and failure years ago might have set God against him. His answer is short and to-the-point:

You are not rejected by God. He loves you no matter what your background is or the circumstances of your birth. God’s Word assures us that he loves each of us with an everlasting love. Remember that Solomon in the Bible was the child of a woman with whom King David committed adultery, and that God forgave David, and that Jesus came through the line of David via Solomon. This is a divine example of the grace of God.

Read the full devotional at ACTS International.

Have you struggled to step out from the shadow of family sin or dysfunction, and wondered if God was holding those past events against you? Have you found reassurance, or do you still struggle wtih feelings of spiritual rejection?

Share your thoughts!

8 Responses to “Today’s devotional: can you be rejected by God?”

  • God’s grace surpasses all. I believe that we sometimes look for circumstances, others and even our environment to use as a blame for our own state in life (physical and spiritual) and then attribute it to God is some way. One of the things that I always remind myself of and share when I can is: DIVEST, Give it to God and leave it with Him. Victims of abuse (of any kind), birth defects, afflictions, disorientations, whatever are not excuses to use for our own continued innappropriate behavior and lifestyles. It is more than the utterance of words in prayer, it is the “wholehearted” forgiveness of others and complete faith in a God of Grace that will sustain us.

    • Jillanne says:

      Do you know about this “blame” because of your own personal experience when you write “we”?

      One can “attribute” what happens TO us “to God” in every way! He did allow these “states” to happen. The struggles “Victims of abuse (of any kind), birth defects, afflictions, disorientations, whatever” are very real and the damage, baggage, and the grotesque treatment we get from and put on by others, NOT GOD, is where the rejection comes in. The Christian ‘believers’ are the ones who have rejected and abandoned me because they don’t understand the pain I was allowed or have been called to bear up under daily.

      God will be glorified whether those of us ‘blame or make excuses’ for the neverending battles we fight and scars we try to cover because of someone else’s sin or our own. Many of us do ‘DIVEST, Give it to God and leave it with Him’ and ‘“wholehearted” forgiven the others who have harmed or disorienteated us.

      Covered by HIS grace and love through Jesus Christ that keeps me going.

  • Blessing says:

    Sometimes we think that God is very far fro us, the struggles in our lives, the difficulty in forgiving ourselves for our past. but JESUS made us to understand that he bore our past, thats why he said “it is finished”

  • Linda says:

    I agree with you on what you say but why do these things in life keep happening? I actually have fallen in love with a married man and I feel so guilty for it. Why is this allowed to happen? I have been talking to God but feel I am getting nowhere. I don’t know what to say anymore or even how to talk to God to help me get through this. I know I need to end it but I don’t know how.

    • Hollye says:

      1 John 5:19 tells us that Satan rules the world. God does not do evil or can even look upon it. It wasn’t “allowed” to happen, it happened because of our own lust. Lust for things we can not have. If you knew the man was married before you fell in “love” with him then you knew that you would be sinning if you sought after him. If he hide it you should have turned away the moment you found out. We create the sin in our lives not God. The great thing is that God is always there waiting for us to come home to Him. If we ask for forgiveness with an earnest heart and repent then He will remember our sin no more.
      If we continue in our sin then God can not look upon us. He is always there waiting though. He gave us free will so we could choose to follow Him. The things that happen to us when we don’t are our fault.

      Dear God,

      Please be with Linda. Help her with her struggles. May she seek your wisdom through your word. I pray that she will fight our sinful nature and turn from her sin. Give her strength oh Lord.

      In Jesus name I pray, Amen

    • EHS says:

      I’m in the same boat as you Linda… I keep wondering if I can be forgiven for this.

  • Melissa says:

    I was arrested last year for stealing money from my previous employer. I feel so ashamed. I feel that God wants nothing to do with me anymore. I am having a hard time forgiving myself let alone God. I let him down along with myself, family and friends. I want God to be the Lord of my life but am afraid of his rejection. I am a born again christian but am falling short to God’s.

  • Hollye says:

    No matter what our sin,if we repent and ask God to forgive us He will forgive. He wants us to turn to him. We all sin and fall short of the glory of God. The bible says all sin, except the one that leads to death are equal. Being a gossip is just as bad as being a thief. If God forgives for one who gossips then He will forgive you for stealing. You will have a hard road because of this but lean on God and He will help you bare it.