Related Ministries

Narramore Christian Foundation

Jest Kidding

Church Growth Institute

Bible For Children, Inc.
Favorite stories for the Bible, written and illustrated just for kids in many languages.

CBH Ministries
Exciting and inspirational radio shows for kids, from the popular "Keys for Kids" devotional to the drama of "Down Gilead Lane."

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What is this page?
The ministries in the Community organize information into 'topics' to help you find what you're looking for. Learn more

When It Hurts to Copy Your Father - #5751
There are things our father and mother did, things they said, that we were determined not to repeat when we had kids. Well, so much for that good intention. All too often, the longer we live, the more we sound like or act like our father or mother in ways that we never wanted to repeat. We know how much those things hurt us, and in spite of ourselves, they are now hurting our children: that same temper, that same critical spirit, that same manipulating, guilt tripping, harsh words, withdrawal or selfishness.

A Child In Your Inbox - #5748
God is so serious about our relationship with our children that He even makes it a qualifying standard for anyone who wants to be a spiritual leader.

Childlike faith - a Christian perspective
Jesus stops his disciples from turning children away from him, and praises the straightforward faith of a child. If you want to enter the kingdom of Heaven, he says, you must have faith like a child's.

The Greatest Miracle Known to Man - #5701
Jesus, this name you have to believe in, means "Jehovah saves." So when you "believe in His name," you're telling Jesus that you're taking Him as your personal Rescuer from the death penalty for your sins because He's the only One who died for them.

Cup of water in the Bible - a Christian perspective
Jesus tells us that while we'll certainly receive rewards for welcoming prophets and righteous men, we shouldn't hesitate to do good things like offer cups of water to children. We will still receive a reward for helping those beneath us.

Children gift - a Christian perspective
The psalmist writes in Psalm 127 that Children are a gift and a reward from the LORD. He writes that sons are a heritage from the LORD.

Millstone in the Bible: Matthew 18:5-6
Jesus has extremely harsh words for those whose words or actions lead children astray. The kingdom of God is open to all, including children.

"Train" in the Bible: Proverbs 22:6
Proverbs tells us that if we train up a child one way, he will not turn from it when he gets older. The habits we instill in our children at a young age will continue on for the rest of their lives.

Parents in the Bible: Colossians 3:20
This exhortation to children to obey their parents echoes the same command given in the Ten Commandments thousands of years earlier. Love and respect within the family are important to God, and one mark of a healthy family is children who respect their parents.

"Sons and daughters" in the Bible: 2 Corinthians 6:18
One of the amazing promises God offers us is the opportunity to be counted among his children. He says that he will be a Father to us and that we will be his sons and daughters.