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Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Only Way to Build a Home - #4440
The way that Indian man built his home decades ago is still the only way to build a home - one building block at a time. And those building blocks are called days. Not years, not months, not weeks - days.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Battle over "The Precious" - #4448
The ring in Lord of the Rings is fantasy. The battle over "The Precious" is not. Because we all have something or someone in our life that is, for us, "The Precious." We can't let go of it. And like the ring in Tolkien's stories, the longer and more tightly we hold onto it, the more it slowly destroys us.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Singular Love - #4431
It really makes a difference when you focus the warmth of the sun on one spot. It really makes a difference when you focus the warmth of your love on one person. Especially if that person is the life partner you have or one of the children God has entrusted to you. The question for today isn't whether you love your family - I'm sure you do. The question is this: does each member of your family feel loved by you? Now, that may depend on how much focused love they get from you.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Family Infections - #4436
Every family has them - those germs that get passed around the family. And they're not all the kind you go to a doctor for. The most virulent, most damaging family infections of all come from moral germs, spiritual germs, some of which have infected generations and are in the process right now of being passed on to yet another generation.

How to Pray for Your Children: An Interview with Fern Nichols & Marlae Gritter
How can you pray for your children in a way that will impact their lives? Nancy welcomes Fern Nichols and Marlae Gritter, president and vice-president of Moms In Touch International, as they share principles and practices for praying with others, preparing for spiritual battles, and using Scripture to guide your prayers. Through these women's personal examples and stories, you'll discover how great an effect a life of prayer can have on your children, your family, and your world.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Silent Guys - #4308
Now if you ask most women, that's part of the problem in our relationships. This guy thing called "not much talking." Or at least not much talking about what's really going on inside us. Oh, we'll talk about work and sports and cars and "stuff." But too many men just don't talk much about what they're feeling ... about what they need ... about what's hurting, what they're hoping for, what's wrong.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The House We Didn't Finish - #4325
That's not the only house a parent intended to build and never got done. In fact, many of us Moms and Dads knew how we wanted our family to be -- how we still want it to be -- but somehow the home, the family we intended to build never got finished, did it? Even as our children were leaving for college, Karen and I talked about how quickly the years had melted away and how we were feeling there was so much unfinished business in our kids' lives.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - When The Captain is Not at the Helm - #4327
In our word for today from the Word of God, we see what happens when the captain of a family forfeits the helm. As we look at the story in Genesis 16:1, remember that God has promised the captain of this family, Abram, that he and his wife Sarai are going to miraculously have a son in their old age. A son from whom a nation will come, and the son who they have been waiting for a while.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Grabbing the Golden Moment - #4365
Now in our word for today from the Word of God, Jesus is describing a window of opportunity that is easy to miss, an exciting scene that you have to capture when the moment is there. It's in John 9:4. Jesus says this: "As long as it is day, we must do the work of Him who sent Me. Night is coming when no one can work." He's describing what I'll call the "work of God window" - this brief spiritual opening during which you can accomplish an important spiritual objective. Then, just like those photo opportunities that we've missed, that golden moment is gone.

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - What They're Trying to Tell Us - #4569
There is no more important lesson for a parent to remember than this: behind your child's deed is a need. And you won't affect the deeds until you do something about the needs that drive those deeds. A wise dad was confiding his concern to me the other day about his son's use of alcohol - that's the deed. Then he said, "You know, there's some need there." He's right.