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The Engel Scale - a detailed explanation of spiritual journeys towards Christian commitment
There are few online resources explaining the Engel Scale and similar concepts of Christian communication. This page draws together a range of resources and links.

How people become Christians: Gray Matrix explains spiritual journey of conversion, salvation + growth
Engel promoted a revolution. Not Engels the Marxist thinker, but James Engel the missiologist. He first outlined what has become known as the 'Engel Scale of Spiritual Decision'. This describes the way in which an individual, or by extension a whole group, progress in their understanding of the Gospel, as God's sovereign grace begins to illuminate their hearts. By understanding the way God communicates, we can become better co-communicators.

Book review: Purpose-driven Life: What on Earth Am I Here For, by Rick Warren
Rick Warren’s best-seller has led to transformation of individual Christian lives and church ministry, as it has shown people that God has a specific fulfilling plan for their them. And one part of that, of course, is fitting into His evangelistic strategy for the world.

Book review: Got style? Personality-based evangelism by Jeffrey Johnson
We usually find it frustrating and discouraging to try and fulfill a role for which we do not have the gifts – it’s like being a square peg in a round hole. It is yet more condemning to feel completely inadequate in comparison with those who do seem to have these gifts.

Book review: Growth by Accident, Death by Planning, by Bob Whitesel
We believe that the Web has enormous potential in facilitating church growth. But a church which does not understand the spiritual dynamics of growth may fail to grow despite an apparently good evangelistic program. Bob Whitesel is a church doctor/consultant. There are very few people with his sort of ministry.

Free downloa: Seeker Sensitive Church Web Sites. How to reach outsiders using church sites
This significant 10-page booklet explains the principles of using church websites to reach outsiders. Johnson’s strategy is that a church website ‘intrigue the lost’ and start a relationship-building process to draw people into the fellowship where they will begin to understand the full implications of the gospel.

Book review: Plain English Campaign downloadable guides
The Plain English Campaign campaigns against gobbledygook, jargon and misleading public information. They encourage writers to use meaningful words. Their free downloadable guides in PDF format explain the principles. Particularly useful for a web writer are their two general guides: How to write in plain English and The A-Z of alternative words.

Book review: Net Words - Creating High-Impact Online Copy, by Nick Usborne
We have a lot to learn from the people who make a living by communicating on the Web in e-commerce. Not, of course, that Christian writing should become glib sales patter. However, Usborne’s book is not merely about sales techniques. It reveals much about the nature of the Web and the expectations of web users, and how it differs from other mediums.

Book review: Total Truth: Liberating Christianity from its Cultural Captivity by Nancy Pearcey
Pearcey brings remarkable scholarship and perceptive insights to this vital book. She demonstrates the importance of worldview; how different worldviews have impacted Christians and the proclamation of the Gospel; and how we have often yielded ground to secular worldviews because we have not attempted to understand them.

Book reviews: Don Richardson books - understanding redemptive analogies
Don Richardson defined the concept of redemptive analogy in his books Peace Child and Eternity in Their Hearts. He explained how, embedded in any culture, there is usually some practice or understanding which can be used to demonstrate the Gospel. Findings these sometimes unexpected keys is has been called a gorilla moment.