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Reaching the unchurched - short story about cutting edge soul winning: Emlyn & the Far Pools
“I wish there were more,” said Emlyn to his family, as he brought his fish-catch into the house. After all, the whole village depended on fish. It was even a requirement of the landlord that the village should catch sufficient fish for market. Only then would it grow and prosper.

Christian failure: why Christians fail to communicate the Gospel or evangelize effectively
There are two major reasons why we so often fail to touch many non-Christians with the Gospel. Firstly, we frequently present the good news in language and from a viewpoint which does not actually engage with non-Christians and their real felt needs, or take into account the culture they live in. We can quickly forget how we used to feel and think, like someone who moves to a different country early in life, and forgets their heart language. There is therefore a huge mismatch between the actual needs of non-Christians and the production of Christian literature, webpages and other media.

Branding: using appropriate names to position Christian evangelism and outreach
What’s in a name? A lot. A single word can carry a whole lot of baggage. Even words with almost equivalent meanings carry different shades of meaning. Even such a word such as ‘postman’ in English, French, or German, projects a different image in the mind of hearers in each country. Other words carry much greater differences of image. If a health magazine article were to substitute directly-equivalent taboo slang words for body parts in place of the medical terms, many people would stop reading it. Yet the literal meaning would be identical.

They know nothing! Assume zero knowledge when writing evangelistic material
“Most Christian literature ... begins too far along the evangelistic process; it assumes that the reader has at least some basic knowledge of Christianity and biblical concepts,” said the director of a very effective literature outreach recently. If you grew up in a Christian environment with Sunday School or regular Bible classes, you may not realize that many people know little or nothing of the Christian faith. Even in a country such as USA with a very high level of church attendance, there are many millions of people who have never read any part of the Bible or visited a church. In other English-speaking countries including UK, church attendance is usually very low – less than 5% of the population. In most other parts of Western and Eastern Europe, India, and China, the number of Christians as a percentage of population is tiny.

Use contact cards as church invitation cards and as mini tracts to promote evangelistic websites
ontact cards (ie. invitation cards in business card format) are a good way to share your faith, and have some advantages over tracts: * Small – so you can easily carry a supply at all times (small metal containers for purse, wallet or pocket are widely available). * Culturally acceptable almost anywhere, whereas tracts can be seen as threatening and religious in some circumstances. * Can be personalized with your name, email address and your website URL. * If you don’t have a site of your own, you can use cards which feature any evangelistic site that you feel is appropriate. * Ideal as invitations to local churches.

Christian website design: plan a Christian web site and assess your target audience
People sometimes ask me, “I’m a novice. How do I start to design a website for our church or Internet ministry.” I think most are expecting a crash course in HTML or web-page design. And those can be important considerations. But the most important are nothing to do with technology. I tell people, “The first thing to do is answer two questions: 1. Who’s your target audience? 2. And what’s your purpose?

Oral versus Book: communicating with oral communication cultures online for Christian evangelism
The enormous growth in Web access in the non-western world gives us a powerful means of sharing the good news in the 10-40 Window and beyond. It is important to realize that many of these nations and people groups have ‘oral communication cultures’. They do not process information in the same way that you may – who probably had the opportunity of many years of education and are part of an educated ‘book culture’.

Parallel meanings, picture language and spiritual symbolism can communicate Christian truth
Every abstract concept must be turned into picture language if we are to understand it. Language is full of these metaphors and similes. Memory techniques create a set of memorable mind pictures for the same reason. The Bible uses this type of language constantly, or describes physical events which have spiritual meaning.

Redemptive analogies - a key to meaningful communication of the Christian gospel
Don Richardson defined the concept of redemptive analogy in his books Peace Child and Eternity in Their Hearts. He explained how, embedded in a culture, there is usually some practice or understanding which can be used to demonstrate the Gospel. Findings these sometimes unexpected keys has been called a gorilla moment.

Postmodernism - how to communicate the Christian Gospel in a postmodern culture
‘Postmodernism’ is a word which simply sums up the way much of the world thinks today. It includes these viewpoints: * There is no objective absolute truth. ‘Truth’ is what you believe it to be. Something can be “true for you, but not true for me”. * ‘Choice’ is a big virtue in our consumer society. And choice extends to value systems, beliefs, and lifestyle choices. All are seen as equally valid. Choice of religous belief is by mix and match – whatever you feel comfortable with.