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Free Christian book download and review: Internet Evangelism in the 21st Century
The entire program for a recent web evangelism conference is available in free streamed video (or on DVD, for a very modest sum) and book form. This is a remarkable resource with sessions from some of the most experienced workers in this field.

Book review: Netcasters Using the Internet to Make Fishers of Men, by Craig von Buseck
Von Buseck presents a unique overview into the vast and growing potential of the digital media to share the good news of Jesus. There has been no title like this since Andrew Careaga’s books in the early days of the Web. Its well-researched and visionary coverage, interviews and case studies are indispensable to anyone needing to understand the nature of the new media and how to use them effectively.

Book review: Flickering Pixels - How Technology Shapes Your Faith, by Shane Hipps
This is a very significant and strategic book because it explains the way that electronic media, especially computers and the Web, are changing our culture. As we use them, they are in fact using us, in ways we may not realize. For 500 years, Western culture has been a 'left-brain' print-based communication culture, where we could express everything in 26 alphabetic characters. The way we preached the gospel, structured our Christian activities and systematized our theology - all have been completely shaped by print. But now technology is rapidly changing this print culture. When the medium changes, the message is changed too. Effective evangelism must take account of these changes.

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Using Twitter for online Christian evangelism and outreach
Twitter’s main use, in a Christian context, is sharing ideas relating to Christian ministry or personal news. For more on this, and a detailed explanation of Twitter, go here. Of course, to the extent that not-yet-Christian friends may see our tweets about anything, we should be that gracious fragrance spoken of in 2 Cor. 2:15. However, it also offers remarkable options for direct evangelism too. Here are several opportunities...

GFA Home - Gospel for Asia
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Easter Resource: "Twas the Night Before Easter!"--a Christian Easter celebration
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In this devotional, we're challenged to rethink the simple message of the Gospel.