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Today's Devotional: God's Gardens
There are two especially famous gardens in the Bible: Eden and Gethsemane. The first is well...

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Checking Your Cargo - #6342
What are you dumping on people: garbage or goodies? How do they feel after they have been with you? Do they feel lighter, or do they feel heavier? Do they feel bigger or feel smaller? See, you're giving them what you've been storing up. It's a result of what you've been reading, and watching, and who you've been hanging around with, what you've been laughing at, and what you talk about on the phone, or do on the Internet all the time.

What to Wear Today - #6283
Consider Nehemiah's working wardrobe - a predictable smile, a contagious joy, and a consistent positiveness in the midst of daily drudgery. In our world, that is an attention getter, and that wardrobe is always in style. Wear joy to your work place every day. You'll knock 'em dead!

The Point of No Return - #6286
If today you could make this the day when you give yourself consciously to the man who gave His life for you, you will never pass the point of no return.

How to Break a Log Jam - #6300
You have a powerful weapon to break the log jam - fervent, consistent prayer that God will do what only God can do - change that person's heart like He did Saul's. It's a weapon right within our reach...that prayer is. But it's one we so often fail to use.

Banning the Poison That Brings You Down - #6252
Romans 16:19-20 gives us a powerful plan for living in victory over Satan and the dark side he has used against us so many times. It says: "Be wise about what is good, and innocent about what is evil." Bulk up on what's "noble, pure, right, praiseworthy." And slam the door on anything that portrays or celebrates ideas and actions that Jesus died to destroy.

Homeless No More - #6247
Maybe you've tried to find shelter where you could, but every other "home" has let you down - whether it's a relationship, an experience, an accomplishment - even a religion. It took the greatest act of love and sacrifice in history to make it possible for you and me to find home - including our eternal home in heaven when we die.

A Mission With a Name On It - #6232
God's already speaking to your heart about that person He wants you to pray for, to work for, It's your mission from heaven; your mission with a name. Someone who may one day walk up to you in heaven and say, "I'm here because of you."

The High Price of Saving Your Life - #6208
It doesn't make sense to ignore the Rescuer or to push Him away. On His behalf, I beg you, let Jesus rescue you! He did all He could do so you could live, but it's your move now. He didn't stay dead. He rose from the dead, and He's knocking on the door of your heart this very day.

The Wreckage of a Runaway Mouth - #6196
God's provided a place where a life hurtling toward the cliffs of eternity can stop its deadly downward race. It's not a ramp. It's a cross. The cross where Jesus died to absorb all that our sin could do to us: its shame, its guilt, its power, its eternal punishment.

The Hand That Won't Let Go - #6175
When He died for you, He proved He's got the love that won't let you go. When He walked out of His grave on that first Easter morning, He proved He's got the power to hold onto you through everything life and death can throw at you.