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Today's Devotional: God's Gardens
There are two especially famous gardens in the Bible: Eden and Gethsemane. The first is well...

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Immune To The Smell - #2898
Ask God to make you what Romans 16:19 calls "wise about what is good and innocent about what is evil." Innocent about evil, not intrigued by what is evil. Sin stinks. It's the rotting odor of eternal death, no matter how glamorously it is perfumed. Don't ever get used to the smell.

Out of the overflow of the mouth the heart speaks - a Christian perspective
What's in our hearts will always influence the way we act. If our hearts are focused on pure and godly things, our words and actions will reflect that. But if our hearts are selfish, the words we speak will make that clear as well.

The Winter of Their Leaving, The Spring of Their Return - #2398
Maybe it seems hopeless right now, but don't underestimate the power of Savior to bring stray children home. Believe Jesus for the day when He will in a sense give you back that child that you prayed for so long. In the meantime, let the father and the prodigal son be your example.

Mouth and heart - a Christian perspective
The things we say are often a good indicator of the state of our heart. Do your words encourage and support those around you, or do they tear others down? When our words are evil, they are a clear symptom of a heart that's not right with God.

David's heart - a Christian perspective
David is described as a man after God's own heart--unlike his predecessor king Saul, David was committed to doing God's will.

Open heart - a Christian perspective
The early Christian church was encouraged to open their hearts to hear God's word as it was taught by the apostles.

Shutdown Mode - #2843
Before you go to sleep, search through your heart for any garbage that has accumulated - anger, unforgiveness, lust, coveting, comparing, gossip, negative attitudes, sinful treatment of people. Don't shut down until you've cleaned out the junk of the day - by bringing it to Jesus in repentance - right there on your bed.

Trading Empty for Full - #5872
You were created by Jesus, you were created for Jesus, and you're going to have a hole in your heart until you have Jesus. Tragically, we have chosen to live "for me" instead of "for Him." And this hijacking of our life from our Creator, this sin, has put us in a futile orbit away from Him. But that's why Jesus came. That's why Jesus died - to pay the price for our rebellion so we could finally belong to the One we were made for.

Delights in the Bible - a Christian perspective
What makes God happy? Not the things that humans value--physical appearance and prowess. What God wants to see is hearts living in obedience to Him.

As a man thinks in his heart - a Christian perspective
Our attitude shapes our actions and our very nature. The Bible often cautions that what our hearts and minds focus on influences our behavior, and the sort of character that we exhibit to others.